Feeling anxious about your pregnancy? Overwhelmed with taking care of your newborn? Doubting your parenting skills?
Then write about it! Because chances are, there are other parents who are on the same boat and could learn a thing or two from reading about your experience.
Whatever parenting stage you are in, it is important for you to be supported, valued, and encouraged.
We at theAsianparent recognise this and have created the VIParents Content Creators (VIPCC), a platform where you can voice out your concerns, opinions, and first-hand knowledge about pregnancy, relationships, and parenthood.
Plus, for every story published is a dollar earned for the parent content creator! And the higher the readership, the higher the pay!
At the VIParents Content Creators (VIPCC), we give value to your voice. Your voice empowers you. Your voice empowers others.
How to Get Published via the VIParents Content Creators
In 5 easy steps, parents can write and publish their stories via theAsianparent App (download here) and the VIParents website (click here).
Via theAsianparent App:
- Go to VIP on theAsianparent app and select content creator job type.
- Select the topic you want to contribute your story on.
- Accept the Terms & Conditions (one time per user).
- Share your story, attach an image, and submit!
- Once submitted, go to “Published” tab, copy the published link, and share your story on your social media and with your friends for higher earnings!
![VIP Content Creators](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2022/07/APP-Steps.jpg?width=450&quality=10)
Via the VIParents Website:
- Visit the VIParents website (https://www.parents.vip/) and login
- Click on content creator jobs to view available jobs
- Select the topic you want to contribute your story on
- Accept the Terms & Conditions (one time per user)
- Share your story, attach an image and submit!
- Once submitted, go to ‘Published Jobs’ tab, copy the published link and share on your social media and with your friends for higher earnings!
![VIP Content Creators](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2022/07/WEB-Steps.jpg?width=450&quality=10)
How to Get Paid via the VIParents Content Creators
Each story submission gets an automatic 55 VIP Credits* which can be exchanged for e-vouchers or cash*. You can earn more credits if your story reaches readership milestones, determined by page view tiers. You can easily achieve this by sharing the link to your story to your family, friends, and community. In short, more readers, more credits.
With every experience you share, you are giving value to your voice. Join VIParents on theAsianparent app or web!
- Upon Submission >> 55 VIP Credits
- Your story reaches 600 page views >> 55 additional VIP Credits
- Your story reaches 1,200 page views >> 95 additional VIP Credits
- Your story reaches 2,850 page views >> 125 additional VIP Credits
- Your story reaches 7,150 page views >> 140 additional VIP Credits.