As you’ve probably come to notice, parents, you’ve grown quite a lot since the birth of your first child! You’ve matured, you’ve grown more intelligent, you’ve grown more responsible, and most of all, you’ve gained parental experience…so what now?
If you’ve considered adding an another member to your family of three, or if you’re already anxiously awaiting the arrival of your “new addition”, it’s important to know that there are some things you can expect the second time around!
For better or worse, these are the things all parents can expect while waiting for their newest addition to the family, and things you’ve learned since having your firstborn!
1. You’re stronger than you know
You may have been fearful or apprehensive of what to expect the first time around, but if you;ve learned anything after having your firstborn, it;s that you can handle anything thrown your way!
2. What worked your firstborn, may not work the second time around
This may not come as much of a surprise, but parenting doesn’t always have a one-size-fits-all approach. That means that everything that worked for your first baby, may not exactly work on your second baby. Expect the unexpected parents!

3. A crying baby is not the end of the world
Remember when your firstborn would cry all the live long day? You probably came to realize that not every single cry has a deep, imperative reason behind it. Sometimes they’re just grumpy, tired, or hungry. Crying isn’t always the ned of the world, so you can handle each cry as a pro now.
4. You now know real definition of “tired”
Remember back to your school days? You thought you knew what tired was. However, nowadays, after some experience with your firstborn, you know what tired really means. With baby number two on the way, you know exactly what to expect…and you can prepare accordingly.
5. When the baby sleeps, your toddler WILL wake up
For all the parents out there reading this who can relate, and to all the expecting parents of baby #2–this is the truth. Your kids will have separate sleeping schedules until they get older, and the sad reality of it all is that those sleeping schedules will conflict. Be ready for this if you’re not already.
What have you learned, or what can you expect from having a second child? Click next to read on!
6. Naps are a necessity
You may have picked up this crucial tip when you had your firstborn, but with kid #2…it’s not even a tip. It’s an essential part of your health!
7. You’ve learned (or are learning) to divide your love/care equally
If you’re expecting, you’re accepting that your firstborn isn’t going to be the focal point of your day anymore. So, you’ll have to work and adjust to dividing your love and care equally. It was bound to happen someday, so you may as well start acclimating your firstborn to this sad reality!

8. As a result of #7, your toddler will act differently
This will vary…a lot. But your eldest will try to either seek more attention than ever, or will try to be more loving and caring in an effort to help out with his/her new sibling! Either way, he/she’s acting differently.
9. Things get better…each and every day
It may seem like things are getting tougher…but as they say, “it’s always darkest before dawn.” Hang int here moms and dads, it only gets easier from here.
10. The laughs and smiles from your toddler and baby make it all worth it
Even on the roughest of days as a parent of two (or more), just seeing smile, giggle, or all out laugh from your eldest, youngest or both will make everything better. It’ll bring brightness to the darkest of days, parents.
What have you learned, or what can you expect from having a second child? Click next to read on!
11. Despite what you think, you can’t do it all
Before you breakdown, or explode, it’s time you accepted or learned the fact that even though you are super…you can’t do it all alone. Accept help when help is available and never feel bad about it.
12. You’ve probably never yelled as often as you do now
You may not like being the “bad guy” but, sometimes you lose it. Sometimes you’ve gotta let it all out, and sometimes you yell. if you weren’t much of a yeller before your kids, you definitely are now!

13. Time moves faster with kid #2
You’ve been there, done that at this point. It doesn’t mean you don’t cherish each step of the way as much, it just means that you know what to expect the second time around. As a result, pages fly right off the calendar!
14. You DO have enough room in your heart for two kids
When you were pregnant (or while you’re currently pregnant), you may have wondered if you had enough room in that heart of yours for two kids. Well, as you’ve found out (or will find out)…you definitely do. In fact, they share your heart equally!
15. Taking care of yourself is more important than ever
Despite the incredibly dedicated schedule you adhere to as a parent of two, you’ve found that when you get time to spend to (or on) yourself is more important than ever. Utilize it. Cherish it. Make it your personal recovery time.
This article was based on a post from Scary Mommy.
READ: 5 Things to keep in mind about having your second baby
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