Let’s face it, playing with your kids isn’t always going to be a fun experience as playing with the same set of blocks, or assembling and disassembling the same puzzle set day in and day out can get old pretty fast. Of course parents, especially moms, don’t really show or tell their kids since they want their children to always have fun and enjoy being a kid.
Here are some of the thoughts that moms have while playing with their kids:
1. Alright, let’s get this over with. Wait, what? Puzzles? Why does it have to be puzzles?!
Good thing is that kids’ puzzles are pretty easy, so your kid should be finished with it pretty quick.
2. No, no, no, you can’t start a puzzle at the middle! That’s a disaster waiting to happen!
Hmm, this might take longer than you expected.
3. Hang on a sec, she might be getting the hang of this. Oh wait, she just smushed that piece in the middle of the puzzle
Well, at least almost has it figured out. Maybe next time she’ll actually try and fit it in properly.
4. Alright, now we’re going to have a tea party. At least that’s a bit more relaxing
Go to the next page for more mom thoughts!
At least it’s just pretend right?
5. Wait, when did she fill the teapot with water? I hope that water is clean
Huh, she just drank the water. That’s pretty gross.
6. Oh dear, now it’s my turn to drink that unknown water. I think I’m going to be sick
7. Great, now it’s time for us to play with the stuffed toys. All 24 of them
At least you have an excuse not to drink the dirty water from the teapot.
8. Phew, I’m getting tired from all this playing. I think I might need to take a nap soon
Well, good thing is that it’s also your child’s nap time soon, so you can both take a nap together.
READ: What kids think their parents do when they’re at school
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