Typhoon preparedness: How to keep your pets safe
With the rainy season come the inevitable floods. Year after year, cities are devastated by flash floods, the electricity goes out and hundreds of families are displaced, either temporarily or permanently. With all that’s being done to protect the well-being of the two-legged citizens of society, what can pet owners do for their furry friends? Taken from the American Humane Association, check out these tips to know what you can do to protect your pets
Before the flood
- Evacuate your family and pets as early as you can along with, food, meds, water, leashes, and pets’ carrying cases.
- Plan multiple routes to higher elevations and a safe destination. Avoid routes near bridges. Have a safe walking route planned out, too. Animals need comforting, too.
- Make sure your animals are wearing collars and ID; take their vaccination papers and a photo in case you become separated and need to identify your pet if it is rescued to a shelter.Following a disaster, keep your pets on a leash. Changes in the landscape may confuse them and fences and other landmarks may have changed, making it more likely for them to become lost.
- Stock extra pet supplies in your car.
- Never leave children or pets home alone during a flood watch or warning. If water rises too fast you may not be able to get back to them.
- Don’t leave pets tethered or crated without you.
- Practice loading large animals into a trailer and driving it before you have to.
- If you can’t evacuate large animals, take them to high ground and do not tether them.
(Reuters/Romeo Ranoco)
During the flood
- Stay tuned to emergency channels and heed instructions. If you are in a flood watch area, never leave your pets at home alone. Disasters can change quickly and you may not be able to get back home to them.
- If you must leave your pet to evacuate, plan ahead to leave them with a neighbor, relative or friend who can care for them during the flood.
- Never leave your pets at home to fend for themselves.
- Be careful when allowing pets outside where they may encounter sharp or toxic debris.
- Do not tether, crate or restrain your animals – allow them escape routes with access to higher ground.
Image taken from animalsindisasters.typepad.com/
After the flood
- Be cautious about letting children or pets play in or drink ground water. Water may be contaminated.
- Be cautious about all food, which may have spoiled when electricity was interrupted.
- Keep your dogs on a leash and cats in a carrier.
- Watch for objects that could cause injury or harm to your children or pets.
- Given pets time to re-orient. Familiar scents and landmarks may be altered and cause your pet confusion or to become lost.
- Keep children and pets away from downed power lines and debris.
- Uncertainty and change in the environment affect animals presenting new stresses and dangers. Your pet’s behavior may change after a crisis, becoming more aggressive or self-protective. Be sensitive to these changes and keep more room between them, other animals, children or strangers. Animals need comforting, too. Comfort your pet with kind words and lots of pats or hugs. If possible, provide a safe and quiet environment, even if it is not their own home.
For pet-related concerns in Metro Manila, you may contact the Philippines Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).
Landline: 475-1688 (office hours only)
Email: [email protected]
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Also read: Teaching your kids to care for pets can help their development