Introducing IVF
In Singapore co-funding for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) was introduced in Aug 2008.
What is ART Co-funding?
The ART co-funding scheme covers in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT).
You can qualify for co-funding if the ART treatment is done at a public hospital and if you meet all the following criteria:
a. Either you or your husband must be a Singapore Citizen at the start of the ART cycle;
b. You have no more than one living child with your husband.
c. You are below 40 years of age at the start of the cycle;
d. You have been assessed by your doctor to have met the clinical requirements for ART;
e. Your treatment is a fresh cycle;
f. You have no more than two embryos transferred during the cycle; and
g. You have not received three co-funded cycles in the past.
How much is co-funded?
The government will co-fund the costs of a fresh ART cycle for a maximum of three cycles per patient.
The amount of co-funding varies, depending on the citizenship of the couple. For Singaporean couples, 50% or up to $3,000 is cofunded. All the standard procedures from ovarian stimulation to embryo transfer can be included in the co-funding. Initial consultations and investigations prior to a patient’s decision to start ART treatment are excluded from the co-funding.
How many couples have benefitted?
According to the Singapore Ministry of Health, from September to December 2008, 335 couples have benefited from ART Co-funding. These 335 couples accounted for 65 per cent of the total fresh IVF cycles conducted in the restructured hospitals.
70 per cent of them enjoyed the maximum co-funding of $3,000 per IVF cycle.
How do I apply?
There is no application. All you have to do is fill up a declaration form provided by the hospital which will be used to check your eligibility for the co-funding scheme. Once the hospital has verified that you are eligible for the co-funding scheme, the hospital will incorporate it into your bill.
Can I use Medisave?
Yes, Medisave can be used for a co-funded cycle or for cycles which are not co-funded.
You are able to use Medisave up to $6,000 for the first cycle, $5,000 for the second cycle and $4,000 for the third cycle, for which a claim is made.