We know that time flies and kids grow up so fast but we were surprised that it has been a month already since proud parents JC and Bianca announced the birth of Lucia Gonzalez Intal.
READ: Bianca Gonzalez Intal gives birth to beautiful baby girl!
Here is what has happened since then:
They had a buzzy Halloween.
A photo posted by John Christopher Intal (@jcintal7) on
JC Intal celebrated his birthday and adores the gift his wife gave him.
A photo posted by John Christopher Intal (@jcintal7) on
Bianca has returned to hosting for Cinema News and got back her figure.
A photo posted by Bianca Gonzalez Intal (@iamsuperbianca) on
She credits proper exercise during pregnancy and breastfeeding for allowing her to return to her pre-pregnancy weight. Breastfeeding is best for babies and great for mommies, too!
A photo posted by Bianca Gonzalez Intal (@iamsuperbianca) on
P.S. Crushing on that beautiful name necklace? It’s from Tessera Jewelry.
We are all happy to hear that Lucia’s month-1 visit to her pedia went really well. Cheers to your first month, baby girl!
Read: The Bianca Gonzalez you haven’t seen before
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