I still remember the first day we brought you home from the hospital. I was so scared. I was scared to drop my daughter and I was afraid I didn’t know how to care for you. I was worried I didn’t have what it took to be a good mother. That was more than two decades ago. Now I see, all those fears and worries were unfounded because you grew up to be amazing. I must have done something right.
I see the same fear and anxiety in your eyes now. I want to tell you not to worry. I have full confidence you will be a good mom because you are the best person I know. There will be times when you feel like you’re failing, don’t get me wrong. No mother is perfect, no matter how great you are as a person.
Motherhood will require you to do and feel things you never thought you could. It will teach you to know yourself deeply. It will expand your heart to contain so much love in a way you didn’t know possible.

It’s a mother’s nature to worry. You want what’s best for your precious child, after all. You know the world is not fair. There will be people who simply won’t care about their feelings. Though you want to shield them all their life, you know part of nurturing them is raising them to be strong. I hope you learn the courage to let go, when it is time.
I will always be here for you and my precious grandchild. I am so blessed to have lived all these years and seen everything come full circle. I can’t wait to spoil him, in ways only a grandparent should. But I also promise to help you raise them right and to trust and respect your judgment.
I’m so proud of you, my child. You are the best achievement of my life.
READ: An open letter from a busy mom to her son
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