Lysol has taken the extraordinary step of going beyond being a tool to disinfect to protect, and has joined in the government’s efforts to stop COVID19.

The fight against COVID19 has been an uphill battle for the country, but it has revealed the goodness in others, and the willingness to help and take action.
Lysol has been protecting Filipino families within their homes for generations, but due to this ongoing fight against COVID19, the importance of disinfection is now in everyone’s minds, more than ever. The brand now takes it further, holding out a helping hand to those who need it the most. The brand has donated 36 million pesos to the Philippine Red Cross to aide in testing frontliners and the underprivileged, and in the creation of the Philippine Molecular laboratory.
Protection In and Out of the Home
With this in mind, they are stepping outside of the home and joining in the government’s efforts with their partnership with the Philippine Red Cross. Lysol’s donation of 36 million pesos to the PRC will go a long way.
The donation was recently turned over by RB Health Philippines General Manager Ms. Aleli Arcilla, to the Philippine Red Cross Chairman Senator Richard Gordon. Sen. Gordon explained, “I’m so happy that we have this partnership with this major company of the world. The contribution will be used for a major laboratory in Mindanao, and will be used to provide tests to those who cannot afford to be tested. We are very happy that we’re partnering with a company that’s involved in looking for opportunities and solutions to quell the problem.”

COVID19 Testing for Thousands Who Need It the Most
As mentioned by Sen. Gordon, half of Lysol’s donation will be allotted to the testing of those who belong to vulnerable groups, which include frontliners, pregnant women, and those belonging to underprivileged communities.
The remaining half of the donation will contribute greatly to the building of the Philippine Red Cross Molecular Laboratory, which can process thousands of tests in a day, as stated by RB Hygiene Southeast Asia’s General Manager Gonzalo Balcazar. “We want to keep our frontliners safe against an unseen enemy, while creating awareness on the importance of hygiene and disinfection,” Mr. Balcazar adds.

For a Cleaner, Healthier World
Breaking the chain of infection starts with each individual’s action. Now, more than ever, one’s actions, or lack thereof, will affect those around them. And now that the Philippine government is slowly lifting its strict “stay at home” measures and workers are heading back out, disinfecting to protect must now be done in and out of the home. As Mr. Balcazar said, “We’re also calling on all Filipinos to join us in our mission in the practice of washing their hands regularly, disinfecting their spaces, especially in homes. Integrating these into their life routines will be powerful weapons. Together with the Philippine Red Cross, we are emboldened with a mission to disinfect, as we find the virus by breaking the chain of COVID19 infection.”
Also read: Smart grocery shopping in the time of COVID-19