The words Pap Smear can make a lot of women nervous and uncomfortable. But it’s a very important test that may just save your life. Moms, here’s why you should get a Pap smear regularly.
We know and understand, ladies: a speculum looks like a torture device and the thought of a stranger examining your vagina is off-putting, to say the least. But if these are the main reasons why you have been delaying that pap smear, you might need to think again.
What is a pap smear procedure?
According to Healthline, a pap smear, also called a pap test is a procedure that tests for precancerous or cancerous cells on your cervix, the opening of your uterus. It helps determine if there are abnormal cells present before it can develop into something life-threatening.
“It is a screening test to check for changes in the cervix which may indicate that it may go on to develop cancer,” explains Dr. Cheryl Kam, a family physician from Complete Healthcare International in Singapore.
The beauty of a Pap smear test is that it is a simple and reliable way of detecting cervical cancer early on, which makes it possible for the cancer to be successfully treated.
So if you are having second thoughts about getting this procedure. Here are three compelling reasons you and other women close to you should have a Pap smear done.
Why should you get a Pap smear?

1. It is life saving
What is cervical cancer?
The cervix is part of a woman’s reproductive tract, and is located in the lower part of the womb. Dr. Kam explains that cells from this area of the body undergo constant change with a woman’s monthly cycle and, as a result, are prone to abnormal growths. Sometimes, these abnormal growths are diagnosed as cervical cancer.
What causes cervical cancer?
It has been found that chronic infection with a virus called Human Papillomavirus (HPV) leads to cervical cancer. HPV is found in most sexually active adults and is easily cleared by the immune system most of the time.
Dr. Kam explains that in some cases, though, the body does not clear this infection on its own, resulting in chronic infection. There are no symptoms for this infection, nor is there a treatment, but it is known to lead to a higher risk of cervical cancer.
Other risk factors such as smoking can increase a woman’s chances of cervical cancer. The Mayo Clinic adds that having many sexual partners, early sexual activity, other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and a weak immune system are also risk factors for cervical cancer.
There is a new test that can be done at the same time as a Pap smear, which will detect if you have a current HPV infection. If the pap smear is normal but there is a concurrent HPV infection, your doctor will arrange a more detailed camera test to look at the cervix.
On the other hand, if the HPV test is negative along with a normal Pap smear, you need not do a Pap smear for another five years. There is also a three-dose vaccine against the HPV virus that you could talk to your doctor about, says Dr. Kam.
2. It doesn’t hurt!
Have you been worried about how painful a Pap smear could be? It doesn’t hurt, ladies, which makes it all the more crucial to get one done (other than the fact that it is a potential life-saver!).
Dr. Kam explains that the procedure can be done for you by your family doctor or gynecologist. While it may be slightly uncomfortable, it should be a general pain- and stress-free procedure.
3. It is not expensive
Dr. Kam advises that you can also get a Pap smear done by your friendly family doctor, or your gynecologist. Prices range from P250 in public hospitals and P800-P1,000 in private hospitals for a simple smear test.
Pap smear procedure: How it is done?
You’ll be asked to lie on the examination couch with your knees drawn up and apart. An instrument called a vaginal speculum is inserted into the vagina to help open the vaginal walls slightly. This exposes the cervix, which is the lower end of the womb that extends into and can be seen via the vagina.
A brush is then used to harvest some cells from the cervix, which, Dr. Kam says, you most probably will not feel. After this, the speculum is removed, and the Pap smear is over.
Your doctor may proceed to do a pelvic examination by gently inserting two gloved fingers into your vagina. While placing his or her other hand on your stomach to check on the size, shape, and consistency of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
The cell sample, meanwhile, is smeared onto a glass slide or put into a container and sent to the laboratory to be examined under a microscope for any abnormalities.
According to Dr. Kam, depending on the lab used by your doctor, it may take anywhere from two days to two weeks to get the results. If the Pap smear results are not in the clear, your doctor will advise you on what your tailored plan for action is.
Is pap smear painful?
Pap smears, or Pap tests, are generally not painful, but some people may feel mild discomfort or pressure. Factors like sensitivity and the healthcare provider’s skill can influence the level of discomfort.
Relaxation techniques and communication with the provider can help reduce any discomfort. The speculum insertion and sample collection are the main moments where sensations may occur.
After the test, some spotting or light bleeding may occur, which is normal. It’s essential to discuss any concerns with the healthcare provider before the procedure.
Despite potential discomfort, the benefits of early detection of cervical issues and cancer through regular Pap smears outweigh the temporary discomfort
How frequently should you get a pap smear?
The frequency of Pap smears (Pap tests) can vary based on several factors, including age, medical history, and individual risk factors. Here are some general guidelines for the frequency of Pap smears:
Pap smears are generally recommended every three years for women aged 21 to 29 with no previous abnormal Pap smear results.
Women aged 30 to 65 have several options:
- They can have a Pap smear alone every three years.
- A pap smear along with an HPV (human papillomavirus) test every five years.
- They can have a Pap smear alone every three years or a Pap smear with an HPV test every five years.
Age 65 and Older:
Women over the age of 65 may be able to stop having Pap smears if they have had regular screenings with normal results in the past and no history of cervical cancer. However, this decision should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider.
Women with a history of abnormal Pap smear results, cervical cancer, or certain risk factors may require more frequent testing or continued screening even after age 65.
Women who have had a hysterectomy (removal of the cervix) for non-cancerous reasons may no longer need Pap smears. But this also depends on the specifics of the surgery. A healthcare provider will make recommendations based on individual circumstances.
It’s essential to discuss your specific situation and screening schedule with your healthcare provider. As they can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history and risk factors. Regular Pap smears are a crucial part of cervical cancer prevention, as they can detect early signs of abnormal cell changes, which can be treated before they progress to cancer.
How much is the pap smear procedure in the Philippines?
The prices vary in hospitals and private clinics. But it ranges from around Php 1,000 – Php 2,500. Before getting a pap smear procedure make sure to ask or message these clinics or hospitals about the price of their pap smear tests.
Points to keep in mind before you go for your Pap smear
Getting a Pap smear done can be nerve-wracking for some women. Is there something you need to do or prepare to make sure this procedure goes smoothly? Here are some tips and
- Schedule your appointment two weeks after the start of your menstrual period.
- Avoid sexual intercourse 48 hours before the test.
- Do not use spermicides, vaginal creams, lubricant jellies, vaginal medications, or tampons two days before the test.
- Wear a two-piece outfit as you would need to undress from waist down.
- Try to relax during the test―if you are anxious you may tense up down there. Making it hard for the doctor to insert the speculum.
Moms, we hope your fears about getting a Pap smear are now eased. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to consult your OB-gynecologist about it.
Do schedule one without delay if you have never had one before and encourage your loved ones to get one done, too. One simple test can help you live a healthy life. You have to agree that it is worth the minor squirm factor involved!

Republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore
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