How to avoid pigil-hininga moments? Solmux Advance can help you with that.
While it may not always be feasible to avoid catching a cold or another respiratory illness that can cause a cough, avoiding contact with sick people, regularly washing your hands, and maintaining hydration can all help lower the risk.
Pigil-hininga moment
Ever since the pandemic started, I made it a point to take the necessary precautions to avoid getting sick.
I lessen the number of times I would go out of the house. My mantra is if it’s not necessary, then it’s not worth the exposure.
When I need to go out, I make sure that I keep myself protected—I wear a face mask and face shield, I make sure I have a small bottle of isopropyl alcohol in my bag, and maintain physical distancing at all times. Call me paranoid, but you can never be too safe when you can’t see the enemy that is Covid-19.
So, imagine my horror when I started coughing uncontrollably underneath my mask, on the meat section of the grocery store. About five other people shot me dagger looks like I’m some sort of criminal.
I know better than to remove my mask and shield in public, so I tried to hold my breath which only made the coughing worse. I ended up leaving my shopping trolley in the aisle as I headed for the nearest exit. It was so embarrassing.
I’m quite sure that my story is only one of a million “pigil-hininga” moments that people have experienced all over the world. The only difference is I am putting mine here for public consumption because I would like to inform those people in the store who saw me having an “episode” that I do not have the dreaded disease. I don’t blame them, as everybody gets a little bit paranoid these days. But you see, not all coughs are COVID-related.
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Reflex action
According to Dr. Gwen Agra, a pulmonologist, a cough is an important reflex that helps protect the airways and lungs.
Anything from fumes, dust, smoke, pollen, medication, or having a lung disease like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can send this reflex into active mode.
“The throat and airways are equipped with cough receptors as well as a thin layer of mucus that coats and protects the airways,” she explains.
“When you inhale a trigger, your cough receptors recognize an intruder which gets stuck in the mucus lining of your airways. Those cough receptors then send a message to your brain, which sends a signal back to the muscles of your chest wall and abdomen to rapidly and forcefully take a deep breath in and out to remove the trigger,” relates Dr. Agra.
Therefore, it’s safe to say that an occasional cough is a normal and healthy function of the body. The moment it becomes persistent, that’s when a visit to the doctor is advised.

Solmux Advance Cough treatment
Most coughs would clear up within two weeks. If it doesn’t, then it could be a sign of a more serious health problem.
One of the most common causes of cough is a respiratory tract infection (RTI) like cold or flu and is usually caused by a virus. Infections caused by the flu may take a little longer to clear up and can sometimes require antibiotics.
Solmux Advance, an over-the-counter medicine, provides complimentary action against RTI addressing both sticky, hard-to-expel phlegm and lowered immunity when one is sick. It contains Carbocisteine and Zinc, a unique formulation that helps us return to health in no time.
Dr. Agra explains, “Zinc is a nutrient that people need to stay healthy. It is found in cells throughout the body and helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses. The body also needs zinc to make proteins and DNA, the genetic material in all cells.”
“The body’s immune system needs zinc to do its job. Older people and children who have low levels of zinc might have a higher risk of getting pneumonia and other infections.”
Carbocisteine, on the other hand, has been recognized as an effective treatment for the management of COPD. Several studies also show that it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
“What Carbocisteine does is make the phlegm less thick and sticky. By reducing the viscosity, the virus and bacteria will not cling to the cells thereby clearing airway passage.” Dr. Agra adds.
By the way, Solmux Advance is the only cough medicine in the market with Carbocisteine and zinc that is proven to give relief to patients by helping speed up their recovery from cough.
“A cough that’s the symptom of a more serious condition is unlikely to go away on its own. If left untreated, the condition could worsen and cause other symptoms,” warns Dr. Agra.
With Solmux Advance, I can be sure that my cough won’t last long and there will be less pigil-hininga moments in the future. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor right away.
Aside from taking Solmux advance, how to prevent coughing?
One could need more quick relief when suffering from a cold or another respiratory issue. Aside from taking solmux advance as a medicine for cough, here are other things you need to remember to avoid coughing.
A person may find the following additional measures beneficial for lessening their cough:
- avoiding alcoholic beverages
- consuming warm liquids, such as tea or broth
- abstaining from dairy products
- taking in humid air from a humidifier or the steam after a shower
When to consult a doctor
Before attempting any new supplements or home cures, people who are taking medications or who have particular health conditions should think about speaking with a certified healthcare expert.
If any of the following accompany a cough, a person should consult a doctor:
- foul-smelling phlegm
- green or yellow phlegm
- chills
- dehydration
- high fever
- weakness and fatigue
- a persistent cough that flares up or lasts a long period
Additional information written by Jobelle Macayan