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15 benefits of early morning sex!
2. It can be very fulfilling to do it in the morning
3. It’s something you remember throughout the day
4. It helps burn calories!
5. It makes you look better!
6. It’s quick and easy!
7. Your kids won’t catch you doing the deed
8. You can do it anywhere in your home!
10. It gets you ready to start the day
11. It’ll surprise your spouse
12. It keeps you close to your spouse
13. It makes your spouse more eager!
14. Your hubby isn’t as tired in the morning
15. Make sure to keep it romantic!
Morning kiss: How is it different?
While talking about sex, let’s also talk about one of its intimate elements.
A kiss is one of the most intimate shows of love. We kiss the young, we kiss the elders.
As we know, a kiss also burns calories. So mommies, better show your love to your husband when light up your lamps.
This burning of calories is one of the benefits of kissing. Philematologists (kiss scientists) discovered various benefits of kissing and they are as follows:
- improves bond for couples
- enhances sexual intimacy
- can reduce risks of illness
- stronger marriage
- uplifts happiness
- fights stress
- excites the couple more
Morning sex is a healthy sex
Early morning sex has different benefits. But how could it be healthy?
Taking down notes on the benefits of morning sex, we can assume that sex in the morning is healthy.
Going for a sex round in the morning produces estrogen and progesterone, giving couples energy for the whole day. It may also relieve you from stressors.
Because morning sex is a physical activity, it could also be counted as a workout routine and exercise. The hang of it is, that your pleasure yourselves while working out. Also, you are doing exercise in pairs!
And lastly, morning sex is healthy because according to a study, it improves your fertility naturally. Take note of these aspiring to-be mommies!
Image from Shutterstock
Natural Fertility: Morning sex or Night sex?
Before we go on to details, please remember that there is no definite schedule for sex. It is just that sex early in the morning is more advantageous than night sex.
First, night sex can tire you all throughout the day. But not morning sex.
The healthiness of the sperm depends on how frequently you are doing sex. The longer window time of doing it can help produce your hubbies’ healthier and novel sperms, which is good for fertilization.
Morning sex has an advantage regarding sperm health concerns because it helps couples get fertile even when the ovulation window is short-spanned.
Sperm fertilizes the egg in an average time of 3 days, therefore, you can catch up with the window time when you go for it in the morning (if you want to conceive).
But it is not a direct solution, as Dr. Kort accounts, to resolve a partner’s fertility problem is to advise them to have sex in the morning. Yet, it could be viable that the resolution is to change the schedule for sexual activity.
For the mommies wanna-be, don’t forget to ask for your doctor’s suggestions. Also, track your ovulation period, because math will also do in sex. Enjoy your morning sex routine, mommies and daddies!
Updates by Nathanielle Torre
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