Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, exercise is a vital part of your pregnancy journey. You are, after all, preparing your mind and body for labour and delivery, which will be one of the most physically demanding experiences you’ll have to go through. It’s not only possible, but probably advisable to exercise safely during pregnancy.
Staying fit and eating right are also importantto help you have a healthy pregnancy. Recent studies have found that staying active lessens the risk of prenatal conditions like gestational diabetes and high blood pressure; it also relieves pelvic pain throughout all three trimesters.
Are you a mom-to-be who wants to keep active until it’s time to welcome your little one?
Here are some expert-approved ways to exercise per trimester of your pregnancy.
First trimester
New York-based prenatal and postnatal fitness instructor Lynn Duffy told Medical Daily that a woman can continue her pre-pregnancy exercise regimen, with the go-ahead of her doctor of course, adding emphasis on building cardiovascular and core strength.
During this stage of pregnancy, the best forms of exercise are yoga, swimming, and light weight lifting.

Second trimester
During this phase of pregnancy, moms-to-be experience less morning sickness and they tend to become more energetic.
Do a lot of cardio, but be safe and make sure your doctor approves of it. During this time, it’s best to build your strength throughout your body as you accommodate your growing baby.
According to Healthline, walking, swimming and low-impact (non-hot) yoga are some of the best exercises during this trimester.
What’s more, yoga keeps moms-to-be aware of their pelvic floor, which is helpful in preparing for delivery.
“The most important thing is for expectant moms to have full knowledge of their pelvic floor,” Yoga instructor Love Torralba said in an interview. “We want them to get used to pressing it out early on in the pregnancy in order to tone the muscles. This lessens the risk of tearing during labor.”
Third trimester
Exercising during the final stretch leading up to delivery may be difficult, but it can be done. Focusing on improving flexibility, moms-to-be are advised to try yoga, pilates, weights, and strength training exercises like planking and push-ups. But do avoid crunches or sit-ups, which would require you to lie on your back, cautions Healthline.
What’s more, the third trimester is when your baby’s fat tissue develops, says Fit Pregnancy, so they can benefit most from exercise during this time.
Throughout these months, make sure that you exercise safely during pregnancy. Your chosen forms of exercise shouldn’t subject yourself to extreme heat or situations that might cause you to fall or injure yourself or your baby.
ALSO READ: Avoid these exercises during pregnancy!