We cannot imagine what these parents went through…sending their little princess to school one morning, not realizing that that was the last time they would see her alive…
This incident happened in China, and is too tragic for words.
While her mouth was gagged, it is said that little Jintong continued to jump with the rest of her class. However, teachers soon noticed that she was twitching and took her to the nurse. The nurse, realizing that something was terribly wrong, called the ambulance.The girl was taken to hospital, but doctors failed to resuscitate her. She had been suffocated to death. A young life was lost forever.
The teacher has since been suspended, and officials are investigating the incident.
Heartbroken father seeks justice for daughter
And now, her daddy seeks justice for the cruelty suffered by his daughter. He has shared his plight on Weibo, and accused the teacher of murdering his little one.
This distraught father has stated that local authorities have been trying to cover up the news, and that no one had offered him a convincing explanation for the tragedy. He has also claimed that by the time the ambulance had arrived, his daughter had already been dead for 30 minutes.
It is heartbreaking to see videos of the dad and mom, holding vigil, and sitting outside the kindergarten’s gate waiting for an answer from the school.
Our prayers lie with the sweet princess…we hope that justice gets served soon.
READ: Dad shares his heartbreak over his baby girl’s death in hospital
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