Green vaginal discharge: Different color of vaginal discharge and what does it mean

Different colors of vaginal discharge signifies different health condition. What is healthy and what is not? Does green vaginal discharge should cause a worry?

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There are different colors of vaginal discharge, and each color signifies something. What is normal vaginal discharge color? What does it mean when you have green vaginal discharge?

Colors of vaginal discharge

The medical word for fluid coming from the vagina is called "vaginal discharge."  According to Healthline, it's how your body eliminates bacteria, fluids from your cervix and vagina, and dead vaginal skin cells to assist safeguard your urine and vaginal systems from illness.

Additionally, it keeps the tissue in your vagina lubricated and clean. Since your hormone levels may alter the amount and consistency of your vaginal discharge, you might notice these differences prior to your period, throughout pregnancy, and when using hormonal birth control.

Vaginal discharge color: White and clear

What is normal vaginal discharge color? Creamy and milky white is normal vaginal discharge color.  Discharge can come in a wide range of white hues, from cream to eggshell. You shouldn't be concerned unless your discharge is accompanied by specific textures or odors.

Many of the same causes that lead to clear discharge can also cause white discharge. It's simply a natural lubricant that prevents friction during sex and maintains the health of your vaginal tissue.

Common vaginal discharge is often clear or white. It could be slick or have an egg white-like texture.

Just before ovulation, during sexual arousal, and throughout pregnancy, a person is more likely to produce clear, slippery discharge.

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Vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Having vaginal discharge, also known as leukorrhea, is normal throughout the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. It is thin, clear, or white, and it has a moderate odor.

To lower the danger of vaginal and uterine infections, the amount of discharge grows during pregnancy. In the latter weeks of pregnancy, when it may contain pink mucus, the volume of discharge is at its heaviest.

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The mucus, which usually has a sticky and jelly-like appearance, is a sign that the body is getting ready for labor.

Green vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge in different shades of green, be it yellow green vaginal discharge, yellowish green vaginal discharge, or light green vaginal discharge, it may signify infection.

Typically, green vaginal discharge is seen as an indication of infection. When you're pregnant, you should exercise extra caution, so if you have green discharge, consult your doctor straight away.

According to Medical News Today, a very minor yellow tint in the discharge might not be a concern. This is particularly plausible if the color first appears after changing your diet or taking any supplements.

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However, darker yellow, yellow green vaginal discharge, yellowish-green vaginal discharge, dark green or light green vaginal discharge typically indicates a bacterial or sexually transmitted infection. If vaginal discharge is odorous, thick, or clumpy, it's important you consult your doctor right away.

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis are common causes of green vaginal discharge.


The majority of people, including those who are pregnant, do not exhibit chlamydial infection symptoms. The signs of a chlamydia infection, however, can include unusual vaginal discharge, green vaginal discharge, an unpleasant vaginal odor, burning or itchy sensations, difficulty when peeing, and bleeding after sex, according to Healthline.


Gonorrhea infections frequently have modest symptoms that are misinterpreted as bladder or vaginal infections. Unusual vaginal discharge, frequently green, an unpleasant vaginal odor, burning or itchy sensations, difficulty when peeing, and vaginal bleeding in between periods are among the symptoms that some people experience.

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Trichomoniasis, often known as trich, is a common STI brought on by an infection with the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. If symptoms do arise, they are frequently minor and misdiagnosed as bladder or vaginal infections.

Unusual vaginal discharge, frequently green in color, an unpleasant vaginal odor, genital redness, burning or itching sensations, difficulty when urinating, and discomfort during sex are some symptoms that some people may experience.

Depending on your particular situation, you may be able to eliminate these conditions in some cases. If you've never had partnered sexual contact, for instance, gonorrhea and chlamydia can usually be ruled out.

Can sexually transmitted infections affect pregnancy?

Chlamydia infections that are left untreated during pregnancy have been linked to premature birth, low birth weight, infant conjunctivitis, and newborns with pneumonia.

Additionally, gonorrhea can spread during delivery if you have it. Blindness, joint infections, blood infections, and scalp sores could all result from this.

Furthermore, Trichomoniasis during pregnancy can cause a number of difficulties, such as an early, preterm delivery or giving birth to a child who is underweight. Additionally, you can pass the virus to your child.

Other vaginal discharge color


The discharge might be pale or somewhat darker pink. It typically has some blood in it. Spotting before menstruation is most frequently accompanied by pink discharge. However, in the early stages of pregnancy, it may also be an indication of implantation bleeding.

But according to Medical News Today, pink discharge may be a cause of a more serious condition when you are pregnant. During the first trimester of pregnancy or in the latter weeks when the body gets ready for delivery, pink discharge is frequently experienced.

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It can also happen throughout an ectopic pregnancy or just before a miscarriage. That is why it is important to consult your doctor if you suspect any signs of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.

Other signs of ectopic pregnancy are:

  • missing period and other pregnancy-related indicators
  • lower back ache on one side
  • bleeding from the cervix or a dark, runny discharge
  • discomfort in the base of your shoulder
  • discomfort during urination or feces

Other symptoms of miscarriage:

  • discomfort and pain in your lower abdomen
  • fluid coming out of your vagina
  • tissue coming out of your vagina
  • no longer exhibiting pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea and sore breasts


The most typical sign of bleeding is a red discharge, and anyone who experiences bleeding outside of a menstrual cycle should consult a doctor. Intermenstrual bleeding can occasionally indicate a serious problem, despite the fact that there are numerous benign causes for it.

If a woman has had menopause and hasn't had a period in at least a year, and now she experiences red discharge, she should consult a doctor. It may occasionally be an indication of endometrial cancer.

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Gray vaginal discharge is unhealthy and may be a sign of bacterial vaginosis, a widespread bacterial infection. Other vaginal symptoms common to this ailment include itchiness, discomfort, a pungent odor, and redness near the vulva or vaginal opening. If you exhibit the aforementioned symptoms, you ought to visit a doctor.

According to Healthline, despite not being sexually transmitted, bacterial vaginosis is more likely to strike someone who engages in sexual activity or recently has a new partner. You may be more likely to develop a sexually transmitted infection as a result of the infection.

Thick white discharge

Thick white discharge may indicate yeast infections. When yeast in the vagina grows, a yeast infection happens. It creates a cottage-cheese-like discharge that is thick and white. Normally, this discharge doesn't smell.

Along with pain during intercourse or urination, other symptoms include burning, itching, and other irritation in and around the vagina.


Discharge, which might be an early sign of pregnancy, is often brown because it results from old blood leaving the body. Brown discharge during pregnancy is typically nothing to worry about.

However, expectant mothers should call their doctor if they develop a dark brown discharge.


Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it's important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn't serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.

Written by

Jobelle Macayan