My 4-year-old boy thinks it’s his job to ask hundreds of questions all day, every day. Sometimes I can answer his, other times he truly leaves me stumped. Case in point, when he asked me if worms vomit or why water is wet!
Kids between the ages 3-5 are the Kings and Queens of questions!
According to a study, mothers are asked nearly 300 questions by their young kids a day with a majority of little question-askers being 4-year-old girls. So, it’s no wonder why even the best of us can be left feeling frazzled at the end of the day.
Our being bombarded with one question after another may drive some of us round the bend, however, there is a reason for their never-ending curiosity. By understanding this, parents become better equipped to dealing with the questions their little ones may fire away.
Our kids’ many questions can leave our heads spinning by the end of the day… but it’s important to answer these questions as best as you can.
Why do children keep asking questions?
According to child behavior experts, children ages two to four develop their cognitive ability to start understanding why things happen and make logical connections between things.
This is an important skill that helps them make sense of the world. When they ask you a strong of “why” questions, they are not out to annoy you but are merely showing a thirst for knowledge. Thus, asking questions is actually crucial to your child’s mental development.
Find out what to do when your kid asks too many questions on the next page.
A kid’s questions are driven by natural curiosity and a desire to learn
Practice patience
You may find it overwhelming when your kid asks too many questions — especially if you are a stay-at-home mom and are exposed to their quest for knowledge around the clock. But do try to be patient and answer as best as you can. By doing so, you are feeding their natural curiosity and are increasing their appetite for learning.
Stick to the truth
“Mommy, why is the sky blue?”
“Because your father climbed up Jack’s beanstalk and painted it blue.”
With the above scenario in mind, do know that providing your child with made-up answers may give you temporary relief from their barrage of questions, but does them no good, at all. As much as possible, provide them with the correct answer and if you don’t it, simply say so or turn to your partner or internet for answers.
Also, avoid answering with an exasperated, “Because I said so!” or “Stop asking so many questions.” We need to encourage our child’s curiosity, not squash it!
Answer a question with a question
As your child gets older, encourage their logical thinking and language skills by answering some of their “why” questions with a question of your own.
Let your child take their time coming up with an answer and more importantly, respect their response. Whether it is wrong or right, commend your child for their effort and then give them the right answer or provide a more elaborate explanation.
For example, if your son thinks the water in the pot is bubbling because you put bubble bath in it, your answer could be, “Bubble bath in water will make bubbles. But when you see water bubbling in a pot like this, we call it boiling. It means the water is very, very hot and you must stay away from it.”
If you don’t really know the answers to all your child’s questions, why not become her learning buddy and learn along with her?
Outsource the questions
If your child is going through a really intense question-asking phase and you think you might lose it, have a back-up plan ready (such as husband or grandparents!) to help out with the questions.
Another good idea is to have your child join a library. Have a “library list” of all the questions you can’t answer and make a weekly trip to the library.
Not only will your child be getting answers to their questions, but they will also be learning how to research and use books — a valuable skill and good preparation for their school years and beyond.
It’s OK to say “I don’t know”
If you don’t know the answer, it’s fine to say so. But rather than leaving a question unanswered, become your child’s learning partner.
Look up the information together at the library or on the internet. This is a great bonding opportunity for you and your child, plus you get to learn something new! And of course, in the process, you are helping your child hone their research and reading skills.
So all you frazzled parents whose brains are mush by the end of the day because you’ve been answering your child’s questions non-stop, remember, it’s just a phase! Continue answering their questions as best as you can and we hope our tips will help you in the process.
Republished with permission from: theAsianparent
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