What’s your Mommy Mission?
Most mothers would likely answer, “To provide for my family.”
Whether that means deciding to become a stay/work-at-home mom or to continue with her career after childbirth, providing for her family is a deeply ingrained mommy duty.
But let’s dissect this answer – “to provide for my family” – for a quick moment.
“To provide for” implies an outward action – and in this case, from mom to recipient – whereas “my family” indicates a recipient outside of the giver.
It is a selfless answer, for sure – and such is the nature of moms.
Oftentimes we mothers put ourselves after everyone else. Husband first, baby first, work first, household first. Only when we’ve accommodated others do we finally think about our own personal needs and wants. However, by then, we already feel bone-tired and would prefer to just rest – until we have to get up to do the routine all over again.
This has to change.
The #MomManifesto Campaign
Putting others’ needs and wants over our own is naturally part of being a mom, but it isn’t the totality of it. We should also remember that we are individuals with our own needs and desires.
That’s why Mommy Mundo founder Janice Villanueva and registered guidance counselor and parenting, relationship and family life specialist Michele S. Aglinay, MA are on a mission to help fellow moms redefine their “Mommy Mission.”
Through their Mom Manifesto campaign, Janice and Michele are encouraging moms to go on a journey of mindfulness and self-discovery, and view their various roles as mom, wife, friend, colleague, woman as a whole.
The campaign entails a series of six online workshops, each only taking up 15 minutes of a mom’s time to accomplish. The #MomManifesto journey launches on April 22, 2015 and the workshops are scheduled weekly every Friday starting on April 24, 2015 and culminating at the Expo Mom 2015 on May 22-24, 2015 in Glorietta 2, Palm Drive, Makati.
How can the online workshops make you a better mom? Click “Continue Reading” to find out…
Janice Villanueva, Mommy Mundo founder
The Journey to Mindful Motherhood
The self-reflective online workshops of the Mom Manifesto Campaign are meant for moms to learn the concept of mindful motherhood, as well as to gain insightful knowledge about themselves by looking at their daily routine, family history, parenting style, goals and interests from an objective standpoint.
The goal for each mommy participant is to come up with her own Mom Manifesto based on the weekly worksheets she will be filling out. This Mom Manifesto will be her life’s mission statement, stating her goals, priorities, hopes and dreams. It is meant to guide her as she traverses motherhood with the mindful purpose to ensure that all her actions and thoughts contribute to her mission statement.
“What will help us live meaningfully is to live mindfully,” explains Janice. “Through self-awareness, we realize what’s important in our lives, and we are able to direct our energies to create the kind of life we aspire for, for ourselves and our families. Thus, through Expo Mom, our biggest annual event, we engage moms through our Mom Manifesto campaign, a virtual journey to mindfulness and missioning.”
How can you join the Mom Manifesto online workshops and be eligible to win a Php10,000 shopping spree at Expo Mom 2015? Click “Continue Reading” for details…
Join #MomManifesto and Win a P10K Shopping Spree!
The Mommy Mundo Mom Manifesto online workshops begin on April 22, 2015, Wednesday, at expomom.com/mommanifesto. Joining is simple as follows:
- Download the worksheet that will be posted on the above link every Friday starting April 24. There will be a total of five activities, with the final session posted on May 22.
- Take 15 minutes to complete each activity. Try to finish each by Monday of the following week.
- Share your completed worksheets online via social media accounts or the Mommy Mundo Facebook page to encourage other moms to participate.
- Tag @mommymundo and use the hashtags #mommanifesto and #expomom2015 to become eligible for the #MomManifesto contest.The major prize is a Php10,000 shopping spree at Expo Mom 2015. For contest details, click this link: expomom.com/mommanifesto/#contest.
- At the end of the workshops, you will formulate your Mom Manifesto using guidelines provided at the Mom Manifesto website. Print it out and bring it to Expo Mom 2015, where there will be a #MomManifesto Wall for displaying the Mom Manifestos written by participants.
So be a mom with a mission by embarking on Mommy Mundo’s Mom Manifesto campaign!
Expo Mom 2015 will be held on May 22 to 24, 2015 at Glorietta 2, Palm Drive, Makati.
What is your Mommy Mission? Share it with us on the Comment Box below!
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