By definition, a superhero is a gallant character possessing remarkable talents or extraordinary powers. They are dedicated to helping and protecting people. But unlike the beloved fictional comic book characters, moms are the real-life superheroes, yet their powers often go unnoticed.
Moms are the unsung heroes. Moms give us life, ensure our safety, and nurture us. They are our teachers, disciplinarians, chefs, carers, and playmates all rolled into one.
Moms’ possess the power to care and protect like no other.
Power of Healing and Nourishment
A simple cut or a bruised knee— every mother knows exactly how to take care of that. From tender kisses and warm cuddles to more medical treatments, moms have their ways to make the pain go away.
They know how to bring down fevers, perhaps with a warm and hearty soup. Or fill you up with fresh and nutritious food to keep your immune system strong. Indeed, serving delicious and nutritious dishes to their families is often a top priority for moms.
To help moms in their quest to nourish their families, Panasonic created refrigerators with Prime Fresh+ Freezing, where meat and seafood are stored at the ideal temperature of -3°C. At this temperature, food is kept fresh for up to 7 days. Plus, nutrients and flavors are kept intact as they are not frozen rock solid. On top of this, since food is only softly frozen, moms can skip defrosting the meat or seafood, and jump right into cooking delicious and nutritious dishes for their families.

Power of Protection
Moms can sense danger. Call it a sixth sense or hyper-awareness, but they often know everything going on around them, and can quickly pick up on small hints of threats.
With their cat-like superhuman reflexes, they can save their kids from toppling out of cribs, falling off benches, and slipping on playground equipment.
Handling everyday dangers shows the great power of protection in every supermom. But not all dangers can be seen or as easily avoided— like invisible bacteria and viruses in the air.
Because of this, Panasonic created air conditioners with nanoe™ X that help inhibit airborne and adhered harmful substances such as bacteria, viruses, mould, pollen, and allergens. In fact, nanoe™ X inhibits 99.7% of the novel coronavirus in a 6.7m3 space in the span of 24 hours— certified by Texcell, a French global contract research organization.[1] When the released nanoe™ X particles reach the virus, hydroxyl radicals take away the hydrogen from the protein in the envelope, and the virus is inhibited. On top of these, nanoe™ X also deodorizes foul odors and moisturizes skin and hair. Now that’s a worthy partner to moms!
Facing the New World
Moms are truly the superheroes of our lives who need more appreciation. They have continually inspired us to be better every day with their undying love and never-ending support for us. And while the future might still be a bit uncertain because of the ongoing pandemic, we can feel more assured by knowing for sure that moms’ care will never fade.
Let’s celebrate a #MaalagangSummer with the real superheroes of today.