Every first time mom or soon to be moms again dreams to deliver their baby via normal delivery, but that’s not the case for me.
Being a child who has been delivered through C-section, I was dreaming of having delivered my children in that way too.
But of course, I still dreamt of delivering my children through normal delivery but I guess I was meant to go through caesarean delivery.
My Pregnancy and Caesarean Delivery Journey

With my first child I was preparing for a normal delivery but as weeks go by and as my baby grew in my tummy my OB already informed me that I might have a C-section because the neck of my uterus is too narrow or too small and I might have a hard time delivering the baby because he was getting too big.
My first born came a little early for he’s due date because my water broke already. I woke up in the wee hours of the night thinking that it was just my pee but the water doesn’t stop from rushing through my legs. We waited a little bit more and waited for my OB’s go signal that it is time to go to the hospital.
When we arrived, they checked me and told me that I am 2cm dilated. We waited again for a few hours and checking if I will feel contractions but because of my high pain tolerance, I wasn’t really feeling anything except from occasional pain.

My baby boy
At 1pm, I was brought in the operating room and at 2:14PM I gave birth to an 8 pounds baby boy.
I felt him in my breast though I am a little bit groggy with the anesthesia. It was so surreal! Seeing your baby for the first time was worth all the pain.
Having a CS delivery was not easy, having a wound and a scar and not being able to do heavy activities until your wound is completely healed plus the price that you need to pay for it (well, thanks for my husband’s health card we didn’t spend too much).
Image from Freepik
Would I have it any other way? Maybe yes but I would definitely won’t think twice to do it all over again for my child. Having scar is a reminder that I was blessed to be able to bring a wonderful human being in this world.
So mama, whatever choice of delivery you may opt to, remember that all of them are worth going through. We don’t need to argue which one is better because it is your body and your baby. You do what you think will be the best for the both of you.
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