For years, happy marriages have been attributed to better health. It requires no scientific proof that a harmonious relationship prevents stress, anxiety, and it helps you maintain your sanity despite the challenges of marriage. But did you know that being a nagging wife also promises certain health benefits?
Having a nagging wife lowers the risk of diabetes, says study
A study out of Michigan State University claims that men who had a nagging wife had a lower risk of developing diabetes in the future.
A nagging wife tends to be persistent in reminding her husband to care for himself better.
Here are some key factors of the study:
- The researchers surveyed 1,228 married participants between the ages of 57 and 85 years old at the beginning of the study.
- By the end of the five-year study, 389 had diabetes.
- Because diabetes requires constant monitoring, men needed constant reminding to care for themselves.
- What’s more, men with a nagging wife also had a higher chance of treating it, in case they developed diabetes in the future.
“Since diabetes is affected by social factors, I thought it would be interesting to see how marriage affects the disease rate,” professor Cathy Liu, Ph. D. explained to Healthline. “For women, consistent with expectations, good marital quality promotes women’s health. It lowers their risk of disease.”
A nagging wife is someone who cares
Having a nagging wife helps men to remember to go to the doctor, to take their vitamins, to eat better, and to simply care for themselves.
“The study challenges the traditional assumption that negative marital quality is always detrimental to health,” Hui Liu, MSU associate professor of sociology and lead investigator of the study says in a statement. “It also encourages family scholars to distinguish different sources and types of marital quality. Sometimes, nagging is caring.”
The New York Times also explored the wonders of the “nagging effect,” claiming that it encourages men to take better care of their health. What’s more, they revealed that married men get treatment soonest in the event of a heart attack.

Redefining what it means to be a nagging wife
Nagging means constantly reminding someone to get something done. It is not uncommon for couples, especially those who have been together for a long time. With life’s stresses comes the tendency to take it out on our partner through constant nagging.
Though both spouses can be naggers, wives tend to do it more. Why? Wives tend to feel responsible for keeping things in order — household upkeep, keeping kids in line… the list goes on.
Though nagging no doubt has its benefits when it comes to keeping a household running smoothly, having someone who nags you day and night doesn’t really spell romance. Nagging can provoke irritation and anger, which can obviously be unhealthy for a marriage.
According to psychology professor Howard Markman, trust and understanding are important and that “nagging is the enemy of love, if allowed to persist.”
But nagging can be turned into a positive thing. Here are a few tips!
1. Trust your partner to complete a task
Yes, it can be a challenge, especially if your spouse keeps on failing to complete tasks. But marriage requires trust, even when it is tough. Though he may not follow through, you will avoid putting undue strain on your marriage.
Choose your battles, as they say.
2. Be patient when they “mess up”
Appreciate their efforts and let them know that you value them no matter what.
Love blossoms not only when things are going smoothly, but when you show how much you care even when things aren’t going your way.
3. Be honest with love
There is a way to be upfront with them without hurting their feelings. Let them know what you expect and try to work on a compromise together.
“If you preface your desire with a love statement, your mate may hear you through that lens of love and care,” relationship expert Karen Ruskin tells Healthline.
4. Own up to your own mistakes
Constantly nagging a spouse can make them feel inadequate, especially if you refuse to admit you have your own faults as well.
Instead of focusing on his shortcomings, put your energy into improving yourselves together. Apologize when needed and be open to criticism.
The next time nagging threatens to snuff the romance out of your marriage, remember: nagging can mean you love and care for your spouse! You just need to take care that you don’t overdo it.
Sources: Healthline, Michigan State University, TIME, The New York Times
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Republished with permission from: theAsianParent Singapore