Slimming one’s silhouette is a challenge and it gets even more challenging if one turns into a mom. As much as working out is the best way to “lose that extra pounds,” the busy schedule of a multi-tasking mom will make it even harder to insert a workout routine. Now, how does one look and feel at their best even if they are on a rush?
Here are some of my simple yet effective fashion and beauty tips that I can share to fellow moms out there.
Always buy clothes that fit
As a mom, I remembered purchasing clothes a size bigger or two just because I am not comfortable with my body. But instead of looking better, I look like I added 5-10 pounds when I look at my old photos.

Highlight your assets
I personally like to highlight my asset because it draws attention to your well-loved features. Example, I knew that my legs are slim even when I gained a bit of weight (thanks Mom for the slim legs genes!) Because of that, I enjoy wearing short skirts, shorts and even dresses.
Now if you have a nice upper body, expose a bit with a V-neckline top or dress. The “triangle” creates an even sexier look giving an illusion of a longer and slimmer upper body drawing away the attention from our biggest issue of all — the tummy!

Invest in a good underwear
Nothing beats a right sized underwear as it is a wonderful foundation to make us and our clothes look even more fabulous. How? Wearing wrong undergarments can create unnecessary bulges which may enhance the look of having too much fats on certain areas of our body.
Invest in comfortable heels
Heels are the easiest fashion item to create a longer and slimmer legs. Every single mom reading this probably reacts negatively on the idea of wearing heels! Thankfully, there are so many comfortable heels available in the market now.

Pull up your hair in high ponytail
I was told once how I almost NEVER pull my hair up. But whenever I do, I receive compliments on how slimmer my face looks! Contradicting to what we thought leaving our hair down covering our faces would aid in making our faces look slimmer, a high ponytail can actually create a look of having higher cheekbones! Give it a try!
Use makeup to contour and highlight your facial features
As much as the trend “less is more” is the key in makeup application, I am one believer of using highlight and contour products to help achieve better facial structure! I for one enjoys contouring on a daily basis using just a shade or 2 darker powder creating depth and dimension on key areas around my face using lighter powder to highlight my favorite features like the highest points of my cheeks and nose bridge!

Be confident!
There may be so many rules out there to follow to help us look slimmer and feel our best, at the end of the day, it is choosing clothing and makeup items that makes you feel happy and confident with your own skin is the best slimming technique of all!
For more from Nikki Tiu, visit
READ: 20 Flattering fashion tricks for new moms
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