How to stop a baby from crying
Your baby cries and the world around you suddenly dims. All you think about is, “What did I get myself into?
Before you pull your hair out or sink into depression, try this innovative technique of stopping a crying baby used by the Japanese.
Basically, studies have indicated that sounds in the range of 6,000 to 8,000 Hz can soothe babies, as that’s the sound they hear inside the womb before they are born.
The sound of “wine tasting” lies somewhere around 7000 Hz. According to this video, the wine tasting method of stopping a crying baby has worked on 6 out of 10 babies.
If it does not work, the most likely reason is that the baby is not crying for attention; they are crying for a need (ie, hunger, change of diapers, pain, etc).
Whatever the case is, no harm trying!
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