Everyone wants to look and feel beautiful at any age and let’s face it, nothing compares to seeing healthy and young-looking skin every time we look in the mirror. Even celebrities and numerous online personalities have posted photos of themselves 10 years ago vis-a-vis their current looks, and people can’t stop talking about how they didn’t age at all! Despite the difference in age among these women, all of them have one thing in common and that is their radiant, youthful skin. This got people wondering: What is their secret to looking young until now? The answer is simple: Myra Ultimate.
In its newest campaign, Myra Ultimate continues to celebrate all women as they flaunt their beauty and continue to defy aging. With this breakthrough anti-aging beauty supplement, it came as no surprise that a lot of aspirational online influencers have been sharing their beauty secret and owning their age, showing everyone that they remain beautiful now that they are in their 40s just like how they were in their younger years.

Like these women, you can also be proud of your age and skin with the help of this product. Bringing you a unique, vitamin-powered beauty, Myra Ultimate is a powerhouse formulation of Astaxanthin, Vitamin E, and Lycopene. With Astaxanthin, which is a super antioxidant that’s a class of its own as its main active ingredient, Myra Ultimate keeps your skin firm and youthful by promoting the formation of collagen, protecting the skin against oxidation, reducing fine lines, and lightening dark spots. When you are in your 40s, creams and topicals are no longer enough to keep your skin looking young. You need something more powerful that will make you beautiful from within, that’s why Myra Ultimate is a staple in everybody’s regimen.

It is highly recommended to take Myra Ultimate once on a daily basis. And who says you have to break the bank in order to achieve that timeless beauty? You can now purchase Myra Ultimate for as low as Php 20.00 in drugstores and supermarkets near you.
Women are now unafraid of sharing their Then vs. Now photos because they stay young-looking with the power of Myra Ultimate! It’s time to confidently own your age and tell the world to watch you at your ultimate because, with Myra, 40 has never looked this good!

Myra Ultimate per capsule (Php 20.00), and Myra Ultimate box of 30s (Php 600.00) are available in all leading drugstores nationwide and online via https://bit.ly/MyraUtimateLZ and https://bit.ly/MyraUltimateSP. Note that prices may vary depending on the place of purchase.
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