Being a mother means a lot of things. However, one thing that often gets overlooked when it comes to being a mom…is waiting.
We all know about the wild shift in responsibilities, the drastic change in priorities, and the incalculable amounts of love that are associated with transitioning into motherhood. But waiting is something that we tend to forget about. Mothers must learn to develop a level of patience that’s pretty much incomparable to anyone else on the planet. Especially considering the nine months of waiting that comes with pregnancy.
But, it doesn’t stop there. In fact, as blogger/mommy Allison Lancaster claims, motherhood is all about waiting. From pregnancy and onward, motherhood is all about testing your patience, and learning to wait for all the amazing things that being a parent can bring you.
Along the way, as this wise mommy claims, mothers need “To cherish these days. Try to enjoy every little moment of watching that sweet little one grow.”

Moms, the fact of the matter is that motherhood isn’t easy. It involves a lot of things that can drive you crazy, but as you and your children grow, you learn to appreciate every step of the way. Through good times and bad, waiting becomes less of a curse…and more of a blessing.
Check out Lancaster’s heartfelt letter to moms and learn the inherent importance of “waiting” as a mommy. Whether you’re an expecting mommy, or raising kids well into adulthood, you owe it to read her heartwarming letter.
Since becoming a mom 6 months ago, I have realized that motherhood involves a lot of waiting. I am not a very patient person by nature, but motherhood has certainly taught me patience and trust in God’s timing. As if the entire 9 months of pregnancy isn’t enough waiting, moms are faced with an entire new series of waiting when the baby arrives.
Some waits are frustrating, other waits are gut wrenching.
To the mom who is waiting for your sweet, little one to arrive. Enjoy it. Cherish this time. It goes by too fast. I know you are worried. I know you are stressed. I know you are wondering if you can do this. You can. You are strong momma. Before you know it, your little one will be in your arms and you will miss those sweet taps and kicks.
To the mom who is waiting for your ‘baby’ to start making better decisions. Keep the faith, momma. Pray. Pray harder. Pray without ceasing. I haven’t been in your position, and I pray that I never am, but I pray for you. I pray that your baby, no matter if they are 22 or 42, will come home. I pray that your child will find the love of the Father and start making better decisions.
Check out the rest of Lancaster’s heartfelt open letter! Visit page two for more!
To the mom whose baby is in the NICU. Oh momma, I have been there. I still have nightmares about seeing our precious baby hooked up to monitors and oxygen. You may have been there for two hours or two months, the pain doesn’t get any easier, does it? Each minute, hour and day comes with an entire new set of worries. Of stresses. Of pain. I pray that each day comes with something to praise the Lord for. I pray that He gives you the strength to carry you and make it through today. I pray that He heals your sweet little one.
To the mom who is waiting for the next milestone. I know it can be scary, wondering, “is this normal?” “Why are the other babies ahead of mine?” I am there with you. I have wondered “Why isn’t he rolling over?” “Where is his first tooth?” …but sometimes, that can result in wishing these precious days away. Try to cherish these days. Try to enjoy every little moment of watching that sweet little one grow.

To the mom who is waiting for your baby to come home. Whether your baby is overseas fighting for our country, or out on a first date, no doubt, you are waiting for you baby to come home. I can’t imagine the thoughts that run through your head, wondering where your baby is, if they are ok, who they are with, are they making good decisions? I pray that you have peace and comfort in knowing that you raised your baby to make good decisions. I hope that you have the strength to enjoy your life, while you wait for your baby to come home.
To the mom who is waiting for a moment of peace and quiet. The days are long, the laundry is piled high, the kids are screaming and there is still work to do. You are exhausted. You are drained. You haven’t showered in 2… wait, 3, days. I promise you though, one day it will come to an end. One day they will be more self-sufficient. They won’t need you to rock them to sleep. They won’t need you to warm their food. They will have their licenses and you will sit up and wait for them to come home. I pray that you recognize your need to take a deep breath and take care of yourself.
Motherhood is hard. The days are long, the nights can be longer. There are boo-boos, tears, potty training, first dates, driver’s permits, doctor’s appointments, test results. Scary things, happy things, sad things.
Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. It isn’t for the weak.
It is however, the job that we have, right now.
I pray that you find the strength to make it through the ‘waits’ of motherhood, whether it be the next milestone or life altering test results.
Allison Lancaster’s open letter was originally shared on her blog,
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