Try these easy-to-prepare weaning recipes for your little one!
Are you at a loss as to what to feed your baby who’s starting on solids? Here’s a compilation of some of our favorite weaning recipes — perfect for babies 6 months old and up!
Potato and spinach purée
Good for your baby because:
- It’s vegetarian.
- It contains iron.
- It’s a good source of beta carotene and vitamin C.
What you need:
- 1 medium potato, peeled and quartered
- 20g spinach
What you do:
1) Boil the potato in unsalted water until tender. Steam the spinach over the potato in a sieve during the last few minutes of cooking.
2) Drain and mash the potato with a little of baby’s usual milk (breastmilk or formula milk).
3) Purée the spinach and add to the potato. Adjust the texture with cooled boiled water or baby’s usual milk.
Pear and apple purée
Good for your baby because:
- It’s vegetarian.
- It’s a good source of vitamin C.
What you need:
- 1 ripe pear, peeled and sliced
- 1 apple, peeled and sliced
What you do:
1) Place the pear and apple in a small saucepan with 1 tablespoon of water.
2) Cook over a low heat, stirring occasionally, until the fruit is tender.
3) Purée in a blender.
Blended meat purée
Good for your baby because:
- It’s a good source of protein and iron.
What you need:
- A small amount (approximately 1/2 a cup) of chicken, lean beef, veal OR lamb, finely chopped or minced
What you do:
1) Place meat in a saucepan with enough water to cover it.
2) Simmer gently until the meat is tender and well cooked.
3) Press meat through a strainer or blend it.
Do you have other tried-and-tested easy-to-prepare weaning recipes? Share them with us by leaving a comment!
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