36 weeks in months pregnant: You are now in week 36 of your pregnancy and you may be asking how many months is 36 weeks pregnant. 36 weeks in months pregnant is 9 months.
So, if you are wondering how many months is 36 weeks pregnant, you are now in your 9th month of pregnancy, and just four more weeks and you will be finally giving birth to your little one!
36 weeks pregnant: How Big is Your Baby?
According to NHS UK, at this stage, your fetus now measures about 47.4 cm and weighs about 2.6 kg. That is about the size of a romaine lettuce or a canary melon and weighs about the same as a small turkey.

Your baby’s development at 36 weeks of pregnancy
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby has started to shed off the covering of his downy hair as well as the waxy coating that was protecting him in the womb. Interestingly these things will get mixed with the amniotic fluid and be swallowed by your baby.
- He has started to move towards your pelvis.
- By now, your baby will realign himself in the head-down position.
- He has fully developed blood and an immune system.
- His digestive system hasn’t fully matured yet.
According to Healthline, your baby’s bones will begin to harden during this time, as the lungs, reproductive organs, and nervous system develop.
Your baby’s limbs may become chubby as more fat accumulates beneath the skin. They will also begin to grow more hair on their head and fingernails that extend to the tips of their fingers.
Your doctor will most likely check to see if your baby is ready for delivery soon. They will examine your cervix to see if your baby’s head is down. Your baby should be in this position by 36 weeks, but don’t worry if they haven’t. In the final weeks of pregnancy, the majority of babies will turn toward the birth canal. But according to Healthline, 3-4% of all term pregnancies will remain breech, or feet first.
Breech presentation is always considered high risk. The majority of these cases result in cesarean delivery.
But don’t worry because there are ways to correct your baby’s position. If your doctor suspects your baby is breech, you’ll most likely be sent for an ultrasound to confirm it.
Following that, your doctor may suggest one of several methods to assist the baby in moving downward, such as the external cephalic version (ECV). ECV is a nonsurgical method that is sometimes used to try to turn the baby.
Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels
36 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore
As you are now in your final trimester, it is important to be prepared for all 36 weeks pregnancy symptoms that you may experience. Being prepared will help you navigate your pregnancy journey smoothly. What are 36 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore?
Here are some of the 36 weeks pregnancy symptoms that you may experience:
- Since your baby has occupied more than half of your stomach, you will find it difficult to finish a regular-sized meal all by yourself.
- Your backache will be at its worst level.
- You may experience bloating and constipation.
- Your vaginal discharge will thicken and may even be tinged with blood.
- Due to the downward movement of the baby, you will experience extra weight around the lower abdomen, making it difficult for you to walk with ease. This may also lead to some pelvic pain.
- However, the downward movement will relieve the upward pressure on the diaphragm. This is called lightening. The result: you can now take longer and deeper breaths. This pressure will also force you to pee more.
- An itching belly is something that is common in almost all pregnancies.
- Braxton Hicks contractions, which are mild contractions that occur in the preparation for labor, will become more frequent.
Other 36 weeks pregnant symptoms that may happen to you, according to NHS UK:
- Sleeping problems
- Swollen and bleeding gums
- Indigestion and heartburn
- Swollen hands and feet
- Thicker and shinier hair
- Vaginal and urine infections
- Dizziness
- Backaches and headaches
36 weeks pregnant pelvic pain hurts to walk
Since it’s only a few weeks and you will be giving birth to your baby, you may also experience 36 weeks pregnant pelvic pain where it hurts to walk. Aside from that, you may also notice a small amount of pee leaking out whenever you laugh or cough. This is normal.
If you are 36 weeks pregnant, these symptoms are just your body’s way of preparing for the birth. It happens because your body is trying to relax your pelvic floor muscles around your bladder.
According to NHS UK, wearing maternity pads may help. Additionally, you may try to do pelvic floor exercises to ease the pain in your pelvis.
Photo by Jessica Monte from Pexels
36 weeks pregnant signs of labor
One symptom of 36 weeks pregnant is contractions. Some babies come early, so better keep an eye out for contractions. These sensations are similar to menstrual cramps where you feel a tightening or cramping in your uterus. Some women also feel them in their back. Your stomach will feel hard to the touch during a contraction.
36 weeks pregnant signs of labor:
Each contraction will grow in intensity, peak, and then slowly subside. Peaks will occur sooner and last longer as your contractions become closer together. But you also need to know how to differentiate real labor contractions from what we call the Braxton Hicks contractions of false labor contractions.
Braxton-Hicks contractions are irregular, lack a pattern, and do not increase in intensity. In addition, false labor contractions stop when you change position or change the activity you are doing.
According to Cleveland Clinic, there are different signs that your labor is approaching. First, you will experience cramps. These cramps are different from Braxton Hicks contractions because Braxton Hicks contractions are usually painless.
Another sign of real labor is pelvic pressure. You may begin to feel pressure in your vagina or pelvis. Moreover, you may notice a change in your vaginal discharge, which could indicate that your mucus plug has passed.
The mucus plug is a collection of mucus that forms a seal over the opening of the cervix. It helps protect the baby from bad bacteria outside of the womb. As the cervix begins to open in preparation for labor, you may lose the mucus plug all at once or gradually.
Other signs that labor is approaching is the change in vaginal discharge, fatigue, lightning crotch pain, diarrhea, and sudden burst of energy.
Pregnancy Care
- Avoid flying during this month and onwards.
- To ease pelvic pain, you may indulge in warm baths and do some pelvic exercises.
Your Checklist
- It’s time to create birth announcements.
- Ensure your nursery is fully set up as early as now so you won’t have to worry about it when the baby arrives.
- Install your baby’s car seat, especially since you can’t drive your baby home without it. It can also be more complicated to install than you’d think.
Your next week: 37 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 35 weeks pregnant
Additional information from Jobelle Macayan
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.