4 Ways to trick your child into listening to you!
Are your requests to turn off the television and to start on homework falling on deaf ears? You’re certainly not the first parent nor will you be the last who has children who just don’t listen. Fortunately, there are various ways you can trick your child into listening to you. Read about it here!
1. Listen to them

Listen to both their verbal and non-verbal language. This means that you need to pick out the cues if they are frustrated, unhappy or just feeling out of sorts. When you demonstrate how you listen to them and pick up on their non-verbal language, it will trigger an awareness that they too should make more of an effort to listen to you.
2. Say my name, say my name

When you need to get their attention or want your kid todo something, say their name. Don’t scream it from across the room or from the kitchen while your child is outside playing. Come into the room they are in and call their name. Wait for them to turn, look at you and once you’ve gotten their attention, you can relay your message.
3. Eye see

Never underestimate the power of the eyes. When you need your child to listen to you, get down to their level and look into their eyes before you start talking. This allows you to have their full attention as it helps you observe whether they are truly listening or if their eyes have glazed over and your child is tuning you out. Looking at them and going to their level also demonstrates to them that you are willing to come down to their level and listen to them.
4. Down to you

The one tip that works best for both parties is for you to reflect on your own behavior. When you speak to your child, are you accurate in your information and say what you mean? For example, do you promise to take them to the zoo tomorrow but end up flaking on the promise because it slipped your mind? Unfortunately these “broken promises” can erode your child’s trust in you, leading them to tune out whenever you speak as your words don’t carry weight any longer.
This article was originally published in: theAsianparent.com Singapore
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