Being a mom is not a walk in the park. But with the right tools, it can get easier. Here’s the best pregnancy app that can help you in every step of your motherhood journey.
What can you read in this article?
- Tools on your phone to help you in your pregnancy
- Must-have features for the best pregnancy app
We always hear the line, “There is no manual for motherhood,” or “A baby doesn’t come with a manual.” So it’s no surprise to anyone that the road to being a parent is a difficult one.
When a woman becomes pregnant, she enters a new chapter in her life. A chapter that she might know a thing or two about, but for some reason, never seems prepared enough for it.
In the olden days, moms-to-be would buy a couple of books to help them prepare for the long journey to motherhood – from having a healthy pregnancy, finding the perfect name for their baby, to getting ready for labor and caring for a newborn.
Now, with the help of technology, we don’t have to buy a ton of books on different topics. With one click of a button, by downloading a pregnancy app, all the information we need is available right at our fingertips.
But as a new mom, having too much information can be quite overwhelming. As we prepare for the arrival of our baby, our minds have been fed with so many facts that it’s almost impossible to keep track of everything.
What is the best pregnancy app in the Philippines?

To help you keep track of all the essential information related to your pregnancy and motherhood, there are some must-have tools in your you need to install on your phone to help you have a healthy pregnancy.
And when it comes to pregnancy apps, we don’t no need to go far. Our very own theAsianparent app (TAP app) is undoubtedly one, if not the best pregnancy app in the country right now.
It has all the tools and features that you need to keep track of your pregnancy from day one to age three. Don’t know if you should give it a try? Below we list some of its coolest features that will help you in every step of your motherhood journey:
Every pregnant mom knows the excitement of having another person in her womb. But it’s another person you totally know nothing about. “What is she doing right now? How big is she at this stage?”
This is why expectant moms download pregnancy trackers. Basically, to keep track of every stage of their pregnancy (week by week) and the growth of the human being inside.
In this feature of the TAP app, we’ve also included curated articles that will help you get to know your baby as she grows and develops.
After the pregnancy, the checklist feature goes a little more specific by providing a list of the things that your baby should already be doing or reaching at by a certain age.
Aside from the developmental milestone checklist, it also reminds you of doctor checkups, fills you in on what is normal and what is not, and symptoms to watch out for when your baby is sick.

This is one of the most notable features of the app because it does a good job of helping a pregnant mom monitor her baby’s movement inside the womb.
It is important to keep track of all your baby’s movements, especially during the third trimester. Any changes detected in this period are often the earliest sign of distress in a baby.
Knowing your baby’s kick pattern and knowing when it changes could help reduce the chances of pregnancy complications and most especially, stillbirth.
Read here to learn more about how to use this super useful tool in the TAP app.
Pregnant women are discouraged to take medication (especially without the advice of your doctor) because some drugs like painkillers and even prescription medicines might cause birth defects and harm your baby.
This same idea is adopted in breastfeeding because the chemicals in medications can be passed on from the mother’s milk to the baby.
When I was pregnant, I had to do thorough research for every medicine I took, and also when I was breastfeeding to make sure it was safe for the baby.
This feature in the app comes in handy because it has the most common medicine brands and generic names, and classifies them if they’re safe to take while pregnancy and breastfeeding.

To ensure your health and that of your baby, you refrain from doing activities that might cause stress or put your lives at risk. Each monthly checkup has a question and answer round where you ask your OB-Gynecologist about the things that you are allowed and not allowed to do at a certain stage of your pregnancy.
“Can I swim when I’m pregnant?” “Can I ride a bike?” “Can I pass through a metal detector?”
This amusing and awesome tool tackles activities from the most random to the most important ones and tells you if you can do a certain activity while you’re pregnant, postpartum, and while breastfeeding.
Every woman who has been pregnant knows that nutrition is a major factor in having a safe and healthy pregnancy. The same goes when breastfeeding.
This feature in the TAP app lets new parents check what’s safe to eat during pregnancy, postpartum, and while breastfeeding. It also gives you a clue on what your baby can eat between 6 to 11 months.
Research shows that listening to music not only has an uplifting and soothing effect on a pregnant woman but also has a positive influence on the baby inside her womb.
Having trouble sleeping because of back pain? In the media section of the app, you’ll find relaxing music to listen to when you’re pregnant and even classical music and lullabies that will calm your little one and boost his brain development. Check out the extensive playlist you can enjoy.
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Have you thought of a name for your baby yet? This tool helps you find a special and meaningful name for your little one by giving you options that are classified by letter, gender, category, and country of origin.
It takes a village to raise a child, and here in TAP, we have a big one. In your pregnancy and motherhood journey, you’ll find that it’s better when you’re in the company of people who can understand what you’re going through.
The TAP community board is the venue where you can connect with fellow moms (and dads), share about your pregnancy, and ask questions and get answers from experienced parents within minutes!

With such amazing tools and features packed in just one application, it’s obvious why the TAP app is considered one of the best pregnancy apps in the country. Best of all, it’s free!
So what are you waiting for, mommy? Click here to download theAsianparent app now.