Operation V-Day: Spice up your sexy game with your partner-in-crime

Think Valentine’s Day sexy time is a non-starter now that you’ve got kids? Think again! The secret is in the preparation, sexually frustrated moms and dads, here’s the plan…

Parenting is intense – caring for a sick baby, disciplining an unruly toddler, and managing a moody tween. The stresses of being a parent can put a damper on what was or could be an intense sex life. After all, meeting your child’s survival needs is more important than romance, right? Now, Valentine’s day is approaching and, in this article, we listed the best things to do on Valentines day. 

best things to do on valentines day

Couple sexy time: Best things to do on Valentines Day

Although raising children is important, keeping the fire burning between you and your partner should not always take the back seat. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about meeting some of your needs as a couple and hunting for the best things to do on Valentine's Day. In case you aren’t convinced yet, consider that having a full love tank gives you more fuel to care for your family!

Sexy time during Valentine’s day

Your mission, should you accept it, is to steal some of your partner-in-crime’s time to do some non-parenting-related top-secret activities.

Best things to do on Valentines day: A step-by-step guide on how to spice up the day

Here’s a stage-by-stage guide on what to do on valentine’s day. 

Step 1: Set the Stage

The first step to achieve the best things to do on Valentines Day is getting on the same page with your partner. Ensure that you’re both working together to make the day special for each other. This means setting expectations.

Start with topics that are off-limits (housework, or junior’s behavioral problems) or how often to check on the kids. This is also a good time to determine how long you can “escape.” Although a one-week getaway sounds overdue, it might not be realistic.

best things to do on valentines day Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya from Pexels

Step 2: Make Childcare Arrangements

This is probably the most important step of your master plan. Knowing that your child is with someone you trust while you spend quality time with each other is half the battle won.

You may not like how your in-laws spoil their grandchildren but get a healthy dose of perspective. Being indulged by lola once in a while is not likely to do the kids any long-term harm. And you need and deserve this, you know you do.

Step 3: Reserve!

Going out on a date is a rare treat, so, the third step in achieving the best things to do in Valentines Day is making sure you don’t spend most of the night waiting. Making a reservation early ensures that you minimize stress, maximize your time together, and make it more probable that a table at your restaurant of choice is still available.

Step 4: Dress to Impress

Even spies like James Bond make it a point to dress well. You have the rest of the year to look dowdy! This Valentine’s Day, stow the stressed parent look away in your closet and exchange it for something fabulous.

You might not have the time to buy a new outfit, but making an effort will send your partner the message that you are serious about this time you will spend together. Bonus: sexy underthings can be your special secret – and the big reveal is always worth it.

Step 5: Bring the Right “Gizmos”

Of course to make your sexy time one of the best things to do in Valentines Day is bringing the right things to spice up the night. Lingerie? Toys? Protection? Yes, yes, and oh yes. By now, parenthood should have already taught you a thing or two about responsibility.

Being a parent is amazing but do you know the kind that’s least stressful? Planned parenthood. Remember to use protection if you’re not going for one more chick to add to your brood. Yes, one of the best things to do on Valentines Day is to be prepared.

Contrary to what you may think, thinking about this and buying ahead doesn’t kill the romance. In fact, it can raise anticipation. And if you’re too busy to go shopping for adult items, buying online has made shopping for a cornucopia of delights so convenient and a lot less awkward.

Ready, agent? If you’re a busy parent with little time to prepare for sexy time, Durex has got you covered. Head on over to Lazada for Durex Exclusive Bundles and a discreet delivery to ensure that no one else will be able to guess what you’re up to.

best things to do on valentines day Photo by Tim Samuel from Pexels

What to do on Valentine's day?

Valentine’s day is the perfect day for a sexy time for couple. If you are looking for sexy time ideas this valentine’s day, we got you covered, mommy and daddy!

Sexy time valentine’s day: Best things to do on Valentines day

To spice up your valentine’s day, here’s some valentines date ideas for you and your partner.

Buy your lingerie together

Have fun choosing something for one another, and then when you go home, put on a private fashion show to show it off. Forgetting your fears and spending a little money on something you'll hopefully use frequently is well worth it for the memories and experience.

Have a couple massage

For this reason, physical touch is considered a love language. Finding a few techniques online is simple. After that, pair it with the ideal massage cream for a highly seductive and enchanting date night in!

Have a quality tub time together

It's adorable, soothing, romantic, and sexy—even in a tiny tub! A romantic bath together has an element of vulnerability and intimacy, so Valentine's Day is the ideal opportunity to schedule some quality tub time.

Make out in the car

You may spice things up by going down memory lane together and getting in the mood with some of your favorite love songs.

Sexy fantasy room

Get dressed. Walls should be covered in large red hearts, either purchased or carved out of wrapping paper. Candles should be lit in groups and positioned all around the bed. Offer to give them a slow, circular massage using warm massage oil.

best things to do on valentines day Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

Choose the best lubricant

When topically applied to a specific location, CBD lubricant improves blood flow, which heightens feeling and pleasure. Use a water-based lubricant only to ensure that condoms can be used with it.

Blindfold sexy time

Your other senses are enhanced when one sense is lost. Being blindfolded has the same effect. Allow your spouse to put on a blindfold while you rely on your senses of smell, sound, touch, and taste. You can also perform a taste test while blindfolded in which your spouse sets out sensual delicacies for you to eat.

Gift your partner with a sexy item

Surprise your partner with a sexy Valentine, whether it's lingerie, a toy, or a book of positions if you can both use the item, the better. In addition, this present should be as thoughtful as it is seductive.

Try new sex positions

Furthermore, try a new position during your Valentine's Day sex if you're used to simply doing the same ones. Change places if you or your lover are always in the top position. In the process, you might even discover your new favorite sex position.

Remember, making time for lovemaking will not only help you and your partner to release any sexual tension that has built up, but it will also give you both a regular opportunity to interact, grow closer, and explore new ideas for ways to experience pleasure.

Importance of spicing up your sexy time with your spouse

Spicing up your intimate moments with your spouse goes beyond mere physical pleasure; it is essential for nurturing the emotional and physical bond between partners. As relationships evolve over time, it's natural for the initial intensity of passion to ebb. However, actively incorporating variety and excitement into your sexual encounters can reignite the flames of desire and strengthen the connection between you and your spouse.

Greater intimacy and satisfaction

Introducing novelty, whether through trying new positions, exploring fantasies, or experimenting with sensual experiences, not only adds excitement but also fosters communication and trust within the relationship. By openly discussing desires and preferences, couples can deepen their understanding of each other's needs, leading to greater intimacy and satisfaction.

Operation V-Day: Spice up your sexy game with your partner-in-crime Image from Shutterstock

Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem

Moreover, spicing up your sex life can have profound effects on overall relationship satisfaction and well-being. Engaging in regular and fulfilling sexual activity releases endorphins and oxytocin, commonly known as the "love hormone," which promote feelings of happiness, relaxation, and bonding. This intimate connection acts as a buffer against stress and conflict, strengthening the foundation of the relationship and enhancing overall marital satisfaction. Additionally, prioritizing physical intimacy can help partners feel desired and valued, boosting self-esteem and confidence both inside and outside the bedroom.

Cultivate a deeply connected partnership

Ultimately, investing in spicing up your sexy time with your spouse is an investment in the health and longevity of your relationship. By prioritizing pleasure, communication, and mutual satisfaction, couples can cultivate a fulfilling and deeply connected partnership that withstands the test of time.

Updates by Jobelle Macayan

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