The excitement builds up as the final weeks pass by and the countdown to caressing your newborn begins! Soon, you will be promoted to a new status: “mom.” It’s such a simple sounding word, yet it encompasses a whole new world of responsibilities and joys that you’ll partake in on this chapter.
Strike a balance between motherhood and being “you.” As you focus 120% attention on your new baby, remember to take care of yourself, too. Self-care for new moms means loving yourself so you can take care of your loved ones. It can be as simple as going for a prenatal massage before you deliver your baby.
Pregnancy and birthing are some of life’s greatest moments. But take the time to remember that raising a baby does not mean you cannot focus on yourself.
As you look forward to life with your baby, let’s embrace self-care for new moms in these easy ways
1. Eat well, be well
For generations, Asian families have believed that the time after birth is when moms recuperate and rebuild their health after delivering a baby. Besides getting sufficient rest, having a healthy diet is crucial for new moms. This means nourishing yourself with vegetable dishes and taking extra care to always cook with fresh ingredients.
Now that you are in the third trimester, it’s time to plan for your healthy meals. Will your helper be cooking them? Talk to your nutritionist about the best diet during the postpartum stage. Eating right is one of the best things about self-care for new moms.
2. Mommy’s mind and emotional wellness matters
When your baby is finally here, taking on new responsibilities and seeing to your newborn’s needs take top priority. With a guaranteed shortage of sleep, this will be trying on some days, so it’s important to stay positive. Remember to think happy thoughts. A happy mom = a happy baby!
Under certain situations, some new moms may experience varying degrees of postpartum blues, or even postnatal depression. Experts estimate that postpartum depression affects 10 to 15% of new moms as they transition to their new role.
So don’t forget to keep your mental well-being in check. Share your feelings with your partner or close friends instead of bottling them up inside.
Talk to your doctor if these mood swings or mental thoughts get overwhelming. Remember: self-care for new moms means that you don’t need to handle it all on your own.
Self-care for new moms means valuing your overall well-being
3. No matter what your parenting style is, know that your way is the BEST way
As you enjoy the fluttering feet and tiny kung fu kicks in your last trimester, take heart that these precious moments will soon be replaced with sniffing your newborn and tickling your baby’s little toes. A new chapter of “motherhood” will soon begin.
When you’re a new mom, the constant influx of tips and advice can be quite overwhelming. And while help is always welcome, you should never let the opinions or experiences of others cause you to doubt yourself as a mother.
Always remember that despite the long, sleepless nights, self-care for new moms means being kind to yourself, too.
Rest assured that, as long as you are doing what’s best for the love of your child—in the best possible way you know how—then you are already doing more than enough.

4. Ask for help, and accept help
As you prepare for your baby’s arrival, have you thought about the help and support you may need during recovery, maternity leave, and after you return to work? Raising a child takes a village, so feel free to ask for and accept help in caring for your newborn.
This gives you time to breathe a little easier, as you dedicate some time towards self-care. Are there baby-related products that could help ease parenting duties? This could be a lullaby CD to help establish a bedtime routine. You could also wear breastfeeding clothes that will make it easier for you to nurse your baby conveniently when you’re out and about.
Self-care for new moms means seeking and accepting help from other moms. It also means building good friendships that make you a better parent.
5. Connect with others
In between changing diapers and feeding, a new mom might feel absorbed in her new routine, and sink into the idea that this is how her life will always be. The urge to spend 24/7 with your new baby is there, and catching up with friends or keeping in touch with fellow mothers may sound impossible.
Psychologists warn of this unexpected loneliness that new mothers experience. Moms may disconnect with everyone else, choosing to only connect with their newborns.
Start by recognizing and acknowledging the feeling, then actively make attempts to engage your social connections and relationships. Spend private moments with your spouse, meet friends for meals, or even make new friends with other moms in your social networks.
Remember you’re not alone, and your friends and family are always there for you even after you’ve become a mother. Having a supportive system is one of the foundations of self-care for new moms.
When it comes to your baby, there is no perfect way — only your way. #RealMoms The whole #BabyDovePH line is now available in the Philippines. Learn more about it here.