In this article, you’ll read:
- What is the effect of too much screen time on your child’s health
- things that parents should do to manage kids’ screen time
- fun outdoor activities to try and enjoy
What is the effect of too much screening time on your child’s health?
“Screen time” refers to activities engaged in front of different devices, such as watching television, working on a computer, or playing video games. Sedentary activity means sitting down and being physically inactive.
Although screens are a part of today’s culture, there are many benefits to limiting screen time, such as enhanced overall health, lower obesity, and more time to play, learn and explore.
This is especially true for children who spend a lot of time learning on computers and tablets.
It is essential to take advantage of break times to participate in some physical activity. When the school day is done, create a plan to keep devices somewhere away from sight and actively engage children in other ways or activities.
The average amount of time spent on screens is seven to ten hours.
When it comes to screen time, how much is too much?
- Stick to no and over two hours of screen usage every day, and parents should set a good example.
- When preparing for or before school, avoid using screens.
- Put away electronic devices during studies, mealtime, and at least one hour before bedtime.
- Find a nice balance – both too much and too little screen usage raises the risk of depression.
Harmful effects of too much screen time on children

Sleep difficulties: Although many parents use TV to unwind before bed, screen use before bed can be bad. The radiation emitted by screens disrupts the brain’s sleeping pattern and can result in insomnia.
Problems with behavior: Elementary school-age children who watch TV or use a computer for more than 2 hours a day are more likely to experience emotional, social, and attention issues.
Academic concerns: Children in elementary school who have televisions in their beds perform lower on academic tests.
Violence: Exposure to violent TV shows, movies, music, and video games might affect children to it. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, kids may eventually use violence to solve difficulties and may copy what they see on television.
Obesity: Spending too much time engaged in sedentary activity, such as watching TV and playing video games, can be a risk factor for getting overweight because they intend to stay in bed or sit all day and not exercise.
Things that parents should do to manage kids’ screen time
- Set aside your mobile device.
Put gadgets away or at a charging station in a common area during screen-free hours so they don’t capture your children’s attention.
- Make device zones in your home.
Establishing family mealtimes phone-free zones is a simple way to begin.
- Step outdoors.
Putting down the phone and going for a walk or going outside boosts endorphins and delivers that feeling of happiness in your brain, enhancing your mood and improving your physical health.
Picnic and explore the park
A typical picnic is usually a good time, and it may also be a wonderful time for children to learn and explore. Shop ahead of time as a family to select mess-free fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks.
You might also make some simple lunches for the entire brigade.
A local park is ideal, but even a patch of grass in the backyard can suffice. There’s just something about eating outside that gets your kids happy about spending some time together.
Get the kites ready!
No matter where you are – at the beach, on a farm, or in the city – flying kites is always a great time. Pair the kids up by age and also have them collaborate to get the kites off the ground and fly high overhead.
Ride on Rollerblades, Skates, or a Bike
Along with walks, get some wheels and hit the road as a team! Allow each child can choose their preferred vehicle, then put on safety gear and spend an hour touring the area.
Hiking or a campfire
Building a campfire and going hiking as a family is another excellent activity – and a timeless favorite. Prepare some entertaining stories (or songs) and lots of hotdog and s’mores toppings.
If your family is particularly adventurous, consider camping overnight. And, yes, tents in the backyard are allowed.
Republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore