I’ve always been curious as to how it feels birthing a child. I’ve heard so many beautiful birthing stories — all of which are unique and special in its own way. Mine was extra special and different. I got pregnant at the age of 27.
I was living a healthy lifestyle even before getting pregnant. My mom gave birth to my siblings and I through a normal delivery. So, I thought I probably would inherit that and deliver my baby the same way.
Well, I was wrong. My birthing story was nothing close to anything I expected. I was not prepared as to how painful contractions were but thankfully, I was able to sleep through it at the labor room.
Few hours after, I was transferred to the delivery room where I heard my OB said “Anafe, we have to do emergency CS because your cervix stopped dilating at 8 cm and we have to hurry to take the baby out.”

Few seconds after, I felt my baby’s skin on me. My baby was out healthy and safe through emergency CS. I recovered so quick, got up on my feet the next day ready to take care of my baby. Not knowing something bad was about to happen.
I had a seizure attack. Yes, even I was surprised when I woke up and my family told me I had seizure twice. I had no idea what happened. I have no history of seizures and was healthy all throughout my pregnancy. Turns out, I suffered eclampsia.
Since my baby was not able to urinate for 24 hours, his pediatrician wanted to put him IV and catheter and as a first time mom, hearing those made me worried sick.
My blood pressure spiked up two days after giving birth due to overthinking about my baby’s condition which I shouldn’t have. My baby is perfectly fine BTW (guess I just overreacted or still had those pregnancy hormones that made me very emotional lol).
I was under observation and was on medication the whole time and thankfully, my baby and I got out of the hospital together after 7 days! Grateful that I have a strong support system a.k.a my husband, parents, and the whole fam who never left my side the whole time.
What an experience that was! My first pregnancy journey gave me so many lessons learned and I would love to share it to the soon to be moms out there. Don’t overthink things! You’ll learn how to be a mom along the way.
My birthing story, no matter how hard or painful that was, will always be so special to me as it brought me my precious little one and I thank God everyday for him.