This may be more serious than you think according to a study.
If you’ve experienced this during your daily routine, you have probably thought nothing of it. As a matter of fact, Filipinos, as early as 35 years old, have experienced tingling, numbness, and tiredness, even with simple daily activities.
A recent survey shows that 53% of those who reported these symptoms do not know that what they were experiencing could be early signs of nerve damage or Neuropathy. They unknowingly carry on with their everyday tasks without thinking about the long-term irreversible effects of this condition. Even worse, they tend to self-medicate without proper diagnosis.
Neuropathy is a clinical condition where there is damage to the nerves caused by deficiency of B vitamins. It is most common among those aged 35 and up, especially those who perform repetitive movements and put stress on their hands, legs, or feet. People with diabetes are at risk to have this condition, including those with family history, alcohol and smoking consumption, and lifestyle predisposition.

According to a local consumer survey commissioned by P&G Health, individuals with Neuropathy report difficulty in doing everyday mundane tasks such as standing for a prolonged period, walking long distances, picking up items, holding things, writing, grabbing items, opening a lid, doing needlework and more.
Lack of knowledge about Neuropathy, however, has led most people to brush off nerve damage indicators if they still get to do the things they need in a day even with little to serious discomforts. Surprisingly, survey respondents understand that these symptoms might indicate a health condition, but they also admit that the only time they begin to pay attention to these is when the symptoms become annoying and make them difficult to perform or manage daily tasks.
Being mindful of your nerve health and early detection of neuropathy are very important. Under normal conditions, nerves repair naturally through nerve regeneration (Hoke, 2011). However, this is only possible if less than 50% of the fibers of the nerve tissue is damaged. Otherwise, this is called “point of no return” by experts.
Thankfully, there is a way to help relieve the symptoms of Neuropathy. Clinically proven Vitamins B1+B6+B12 (Neurobion) helps relieve nerve damage and regenerate the nerves.
It is never too late to start taking care of your nerves. You can be unstoppable in doing what you love and of being of help to others.

Take care of your nerves and always remember to consult your doctor. Choose Vitamins B1+B6+B12 (Neurobion) so you can have the strength to power through and carry on with the everyday acts of being a True Hero.
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If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC Ref. Code P126P102620NS
This is a press release distributed by Greenbulb Communications