Proud mom Saab Magalona shares an important milestone in the life of her miracle boy, Pancho Bacarro.
What can you read in this article?
- Mommy Sab captures the first time her son crawls
- Pancho Bacarro’s origin story
As parents of small kids, we’re all eager to see our child reach his or her milestones. We’re excited to see the first time he smiles, the first time he eats solid food, and especially the first time he walks or crawls.
For moms of children with special needs, hitting these milestones is even more special. Because aside from the excitement of seeing our child do something for the first time, there’s also the pride of him accomplishing something he really worked hard on.
Such may be the joy felt by celebrity mom Saab Magalona when she shared about the first time her 3-year-old son, Pancho Bacarro, crawled by himself for the very first time.
Pancho’s First Crawl
In her YouTube account, the hands-on mom documented her son’s first crawl, which she uploaded last January 25.
She shared more about this milestone in the description box. She said that her son has been practicing so hard and finally, his hard work paid off as he was able to do it all by himself, and just in time for his mom to capture it on cam.
“Pancho’s been practicing so hard for this and he was finally able to do a couple of strides all by himself huhuhu and just a few weeks before he turns 4!! We are all so proud of him!!!” wrote Saab.
In the video, you can hear the mommy encouraging her little boy and complimenting him each time he takes a stride going towards the TV remote control.
“Go, Pancho. Very good,” cheers Mommy Saab. “You’re doing it!”
Towards the end of the video, Pancho was able to reach for the remote and Saab was seen on cam, looking very proud of her son, giving him a tight hug.
A few days later, she posted another video on her Instagram account, where Pancho was seen crawling towards the remote. The hands-on mom shared that her firstborn is more motivated to move when there’s a purpose behind it.
Image from Saab Magalona’s Instagram account
“Pancho moves best when there’s purpose.
He doesn’t enjoy exercise/therapy just for the sake of it. When we give him something to do like “can you throw this in the trash?” or “can you open the door for papa?” that’s when he enthusiastically starts crawling or walking with our help.
I took this video yesterday when I asked him to hand me the remote control and he crawled all by himself to get it,” she wrote.
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Pancho Bacarro’s origin story
Image from Saab Magalona’s Instagram account
Pancho, the firstborn of Saab Magalona and husband Jim Bacarro, has cerebral palsy.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in childhood. It is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the brain that affects a person’s ability to control his muscles.
In a previous video entitled “Pancho Bacarro origin story,” Saab shared about her son’s journey from the time he was born. She likened it to a superhero’s origin story since Pancho has been fighting for survival since birth.
In 2017, Saab got pregnant with twins and was due to give birth in April 2018. However, she started having complications with her pregnancy in February and lost their baby girl.
Her doctors decided to do an emergency operation to save their little boy, but they were also told that he might not make it for another night and were advised to prepare to say goodbye. But like a true superhero, Pancho defied the odds.
“After we had said goodbye to our baby Luna, the doctors advised Jim to take me to the NICU so that we could say goodbye to Pancho. They said it looked like he wasn’t going to last the night. But like a superhero, Pancho fought,” recalled Saab.
Although Pancho outlived the doctors’ expectations, he still had to go through a lot of complications in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU). Pancho had ventriculitis, the inflammation of ventricles in the brain. Saab recalled crying when the doctors told her the certainly of their son having a disability.
“I cried so hard when the NICU doctor told me to prepare because Pancho will 100% have some form of disability,” said Saab.
At 17 days, Pancho had to undergo brain surgery. They were discharged from the hospital after 58 days. However, as the doctors expected, Pancho continued to battle with the complications of cerebral palsy.
“We’ve gone through a number of therapists and doctors trying to find the best fit for our family. We were told that early intervention is key to give Pancho the best quality of life,” recalled the celebrity mom.

Image from Saab Magalona’s Instagram account
When he turned one, his parents noticed that he has trouble making eye contact. After some tests, they found out that Pancho’s eye structure was fine, but his vision may have been affected as a complication of the brain injury. The doctors suspected that he may be blind, but in true superhero form, Pancho Bacarro continued to defy the odds.
“Doctors said that he was possibly blind, and just as Jim and I were slowly trying to accept it, he suddenly followed a toy with his eyes,” said Saab.
As Pancho grows, together with his younger brother Vito, he continues to amaze his parents with his development.
“Pancho continues to show cognitive skills that exceed expectations. He’s made a number of his doctors cry,” she said proudly.
While it can be heartbreaking for a mother to know that her child has to live with a debilitating condition, Pancho’s progress is enough to leave Saab with so much hope.
“So when you see us, don’t feel bad that we’re going through a different path than most families. Remember, he wasn’t even supposed to make it through the night,” she shared.
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