Maybe you feel uncomfortable walking because your belly is now big and still growing. We listed the things you may experience during your 32 weeks of pregnancy and the development of your baby inside your tummy.
How big is your baby at 32 weeks pregnant?

32 weeks pregnant baby weight in kg
Your baby is about 42.4 cm long and weighs about 1.7 kg from head to heel. That is roughly equivalent to a beef joint’s weight and the size of a kale leaf.
The focus of the upcoming weeks will be on assisting your baby in gaining weight despite their healthy development. Even if the baby was delivered at 32 weeks, it would only weigh about 4 pounds, which is considered a low birth weight.
How many months are 32 weeks pregnant?
32 weeks pregnant in months is eight months pregnant. Although, doctors track your pregnancy in weeks rather than in months.
How is your baby developing?
In this week-by-week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby is now swallowing, breathing, kicking, and sucking.
- His digestive system is all set and ready to go.
- His skin is becoming less transparent and more opaque.
- He is sleeping well these days, with sleep cycles of 20 to 40 minutes long. This also explains the decrease in movement you’re likely experiencing these days.
32 weeks pregnant ultrasound
Most doctors prefer to see their patients every other week at this point in pregnancy. However, you won’t normally have an ultrasound at 32 weeks pregnant unless you have pregnancy-related problems or there is a specific thing your doctor needs to look at.
32 weeks pregnant symptoms
- That swelling belly is getting itchier and itchier as the skin stretches and dries out.
- You may feel a painful spasm in your calves which may worsen at night.
- Heartburn affects approximately 22% of pregnancies in the first trimester, 39% in the second, and up to 72% in the third. Your uterus is now large and heavy enough to put a lot of strain on your stomach in addition to the pregnancy hormones that slow digestion, making it easier for stomach acid to back up into the esophagus.
- Your growing uterus is cramping your bowels, making them sluggish and irregular.
- As your breasts expand in the third trimester, they may also leak a yellowish fluid called colostrum, which is the precursor to breast milk.
- If you detect a decline in your baby’s activity or daily kick counts, call your healthcare physician immediately.
Image from Shutterstock
32 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore
Getting heartburn can both be uncomfortable or painful. Here are some ways you could do to alleviate heartburn:
- Avoid lying down after eating (try to wait at least one hour)
- Don’t eat before going to bed.
- Eat several small meals frequently rather than three large ones.
- Eat gently and chew your food completely.
- Inquire with your doctor about safe over-the-counter medications like antacids.
The Braxton Hicks contractions that you are experiencing may escalate in strength and frequency. There is one key distinction between Braxton Hicks contractions and the real thing: these contractions are painless (they merely feel like the uterus is contracting) and typically disappear fast. True contractions happen one after another.
In order to prepare for labor and delivery as well as to prevent infection in your lower body, your body creates more discharge. Keep an eye out for the mucus plug, which your body expels a few days (or just a few hours) before labor starts and is a thick, sticky, and occasionally bloody substance that covers the cervix.
Also, watch out for discharge that more closely resembles a liquid. If you notice a continuous flow that more closely resembles water than discharge, it’s conceivable that your water has cracked, leading to a slow leak. If so, call your OB right soon and get to the hospital right away.
Pregnancy Care at 32 weeks pregnant
- Get some regular exercise (anything that helps, from brisk walks to prenatal yoga) and drink enough fluids.
- Carry a protein-and-carb-rich snack in your bag to munch on when you feel dizzy.
- Try calamine or some other type of anti-itch lotion to soothe more stubborn cases of itchiness.
Your Checklist
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- Try not to obsess over stretch marks. Up to 90% of women get them. They’re a sign that your baby is growing beautifully.
- Be prepared; learn the signs of labor: water breaking, period-like cramps, vaginal bleeding, diarrhea, and a tightening feeling in your uterus.
- Get started with packing your hospital bag. Prepare a list of what you and your baby might need when you give birth in the hospital.
- Take short walks as a form of minimal exercise.
- It’s time to host a baby shower!
Your next week: 33 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 31 weeks pregnant
Additional information from Margaux Dolores
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.