Giving your child the best education possible isn’t only a gift; it’s a right. An education opens the doors to a bright future ahead, and every parent wants that for their child.
Oftentimes, though, parents are more focused on providing for the present needs of their children than planning for the future. The next thing they know, they need to scramble for enough money, dip into their savings, or use their retirement fund in order to pay for their child’s college education.
And the cost of going to college, especially the best ones in the country, is no laughing matter — and one that steadily increases every year.
Investing in a college fund for your child is a big step, takes a lot of thought, but a necessary task nonetheless. The key to being able to afford your child’s educational needs is by preparing for the future right now, while you still have time and a steady stream of income. But how is it possible to predict how much your child’s education will cost in the future?

Introducing the GradMaker mobile app!
GradMaker is a mobile app that lets you set aside a sum for your child’s college educational fund. The app includes a tuition fee calculator that will assist you in determining the amount you will need by the time your child heads off to college. The money (or Your money) is invested in a variable unit-linked policy, which means the college fund also comes with life insurance protection. For only a startup sum of Php10,000, both investment and insurance instantly begin!
Even parents with no prior experience with insurance will find the app easy to understand and navigate. No lengthy meetings, no confusing jargon — everything is plain, simple, and in the app.
You can check your growing funds in real time in the app, too — no more worrying about how your funds are doing. And if you choose not to purchase a plan, that’s not a problem — you choose when and how much to invest.
Wondering if you have the savings to buy Manulife GradMaker now? Thinking about how to tweak your spending and saving habits to invest more in your child’s future? Take this quiz to find out if you’re doing enough to save for your child’s college education: