As your pregnancy progresses, you will most likely get excited to finally wait for your baby here in the outside world. You are in your 2nd trimester during your 23 weeks of pregnancy and it is weeks away from seeing your little one. Know more about the things you might experience during this period and the development of your baby.
How big is your baby at 23 weeks pregnant belly?

Prepare for a significant development spurt; starting this week, your baby’s size will likely double over the course of the next few weeks. We know how curious you are about how your baby looks now. Does your baby start to have fingers and toes? How big is it inside your womb? To give you an idea, your little one is as big as a regular Durian fruit now!
Your unborn child approximately weighs about 500 grams or 28.9 centimeters long from the head to the heel during the 23rd week. That weighs the same as a packet of dried whole-wheat pasta and is roughly the size of a squash.
23 weeks pregnant in months
You will also probably wonder how many months 23 weeks pregnant are in a pregnancy chart. Well, we have calculated that for you, and you are currently five months pregnant by this time. However, doctors and other healthcare professionals use weeks instead of months to describe a mother’s pregnancy stages.
23 weeks pregnant baby position
Your baby is not yet in the delivery position because the due date is still some time off. Their legs point down toward the bottom of your uterus, while their head is closer to your diaphragm. The baby’s position can fluctuate during the day because they are still so little.
Your baby’s development at 23 weeks pregnant
Your baby is growing stronger and more active at 23 weeks pregnant. Now it is simpler to determine whether those tiny movements are coming from your baby and not just hot gases. Additionally, you might feel warmer than normal, and it is possible that your eyes and vision have changed.
In this week-by-week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that during 23 weeks of being pregnant:
- Your baby’s lungs are developing to prepare for breathing.
- The lanugo, or the fine hair that covers his body, may darken by now.
- The baby’s fingernails now reach the tips of the fingers.
- His or her eyes are now completely formed, although they do not have any color just yet. It is also now when he or she can open his or her eyes inside the womb.
- By this week, you can feel him or her moving through your womb. He or she may be doing somersaults, too… but not for long.
- His or her vestibular system, the area in the brain responsible for sensing movement, is developing quickly now. This means he or she is already actively sensing all your physical movements.
- He or she also has developed a stable hearing sense.
- Babies born at 23 weeks can sometimes survive if given the right medical care in an intensive care unit.
What are the symptoms of being 23 weeks pregnant?
Equipped yourself with some knowledge about the different symptoms of a 23 weeks pregnant mom. | Photo by Daniel Reche
The motherhood journey is a challenging path to take. Your pregnancy will test all the patience you have in your body. There are many things you should expect during the whole 9 months of the baby in your womb. They are both negative and positive ones too!
- Your uterus extends 3.8 cm above your belly button, and you would have gained anything between 5.4 kg to 6.8 kg.
- You are frequently peeing because your uterus sits above your bladder. You may even experience leaking fluids every time you check those panties!
- This time around, you will be checked for preterm labor. Get yourself ready for the anxiety levels that will probably heighten this week. You will also go through varied emotions.
- At this time, you might experience bleeding gums and nosebleeds.
- Keep a stock of nutrient-dense snacks on hand to sate your growing appetite. If nutritious snacks are readily available, avoiding reaching for anything processed will be easier.
- During pregnancy, nasal congestion typically gets worse. This may lead to snoring. If snoring interferes with your (or your partner’s) sleep, try sleeping with a humidifier. Nasal strips could be helpful as well.
Aside from the things mentioned above, you may also begin to experience the following symptoms at 23 weeks of being pregnant:
To cope with swollen ankles and feet, go for regular walks, relax as much as you can, and drink plenty of water.
Call your doctor immediately if you notice any significant or abrupt swelling, which could be a symptom of the potentially fatal pregnancy complication preeclampsia.
It’s normal to continue to feel backaches as your baby grows inside you. At 23 weeks, twin pregnancies frequently experience back pain.
Braxton Hicks contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions are common throughout pregnancy as long as they end immediately.
Bleeding or swollen gums
Because your blood flow is boosted during pregnancy, your gums are more likely to swell and bleed. If your mouth feels more sensitive than usual, switch to a soft-bristle toothbrush and keep flossing but with gentle care. Continue having regular dental checkups at least every six months.
23 weeks pregnant ultrasound
You may not have a 23-week ultrasound because you presently only see your OB once per month. In the third trimester, you will have additional appointments and see your doctor every other week.
Pregnancy Care
Learn all the things you should know for your pregnancy care here. | Photo from Pixabay
- To keep the bleeding gums at bay, prioritize good dental hygiene. Due to superactive hormones, your gums will suffer inflammation and bleeding, particularly while brushing your teeth.
- You are constantly peeing, and how? But that’s pretty normal at this stage. Continue drinking water, vegetable juices, herbal teas, fruit juice, and milk.
- When using public toilets, sanitize the seats and maintain minimal contact to avoid infections.
- If you haven’t already, develop the habit of drinking enough water. Although milk and fruit or vegetable juices are acceptable alternatives to water, water is preferred.
- You could not be drinking enough water and be putting yourself at risk for a UTI if your urine is dark and not straw-colored.
- By ingesting dairy or soy milk, you can also get all the calcium you need each day.
- You might want to think carefully about getting hair treatments at 23 weeks pregnant or while pregnant at all. Your hair can act differently in response to the chemicals in hair treatments. Furthermore, there’s a chance that the medication will get into your bloodstream through your scalp, thus, also affecting your baby.
- While it’s generally fine to consume herbal teas while expecting, you should consult your midwife or doctor to find out which specific teas are safe.
- Red raspberry leaf herbal tea and supplements should not be consumed because there is insufficient scientific evidence to support their efficacy. According to some research, it might have detrimental effects.
- Try Pilates or any form of 23 weeks pregnant-friendly exercise!
Your checklist
Even if there is still some time before your due date, make sure to have a pregnancy checklist! | Photo by Jonathan Borba
The moment you have known that you are pregnant, you must make planning steps for your baby’s arrival. Here are some of the things you should include in your checklist:
- Speak to your company, and plan your maternity leave. Learn about your country’s maternity leave laws and whether your workplace offers parental leave benefits. When you are ready, discuss parental leave with your employer.
- Get a new wardrobe! Your belly will probably grow bigger now, and your old clothes won’t fit you anymore.
- Start doing exercises especially to relax your pelvic muscles. You will need these activities for you to deliver the baby easier.
- You should be taking prenatal vitamins to make sure that your baby is healthy as well as your body.
- Ask your doctor about the things you can do for your emotional and mental well-being as you face many challenges during this stage.
- Talk with your partner about the finances your should prepare for your delivery and the baby’s needs once he or she arrives.
- Never miss your prenatal appointments. Your blood pressure will be taken each time you visit a doctor, among other things. An abrupt rise in blood pressure could signify preeclampsia, a severe pregnancy complication. Thus, visiting your doctor during the 23 weeks of being pregnant ensures your and your baby’s safety.
Your next week: 24 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 22 weeks pregnant
Additional information from Margaux Dolores and Angerica Villanueva
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.