What a way to add festivity to your holiday by announcing the arrival of your little bundle of joy! Here are some creative holiday pregnancy announcement ideas you can use.
Christmas time is a season of cheer and gratitude, so what better time to announce you have a big blessing on the way? Whether you’ve been waiting so long to have a baby, or it was a big surprise to you and you already had kids before, a pregnancy reveal is still something that is met with so much joy and excitement. Because no one would definitely argue that a new baby is a blessing.
The rise of creative pregnancy announcements
How did you let your loved ones know you were expecting a baby? Excited about your pregnancy announcement? For some, the ‘big reveal’ was spontaneous and simple. While for others, elaborate planning went into the way they announced their pregnancy.
When I was pregnant with my firstborn, I announced my pregnancy to my family (I was based abroad) by sending a copy of the ultrasound on their email.
For my secondborn, we just made the announcement by telling the family over dinner. Finally, on my third pregnancy, I took photos of my daughters wearing shirts that says “Big sister” respectively.
Before, pregnancy announcements weren’t really a thing. You just tell your family the news, as straightforward as possible, no dilly-dallying about it.
But now, in the age of social media, sharing wonderful news has become a new tradition among new parents. And it’s not just the big news that matters, but how you announce it, so you have to be as creative as you can possibly be.
When should you announce your pregnancy?
When it comes to pregnancy announcements, the question on most new parents’ minds is how soon or how late should you tell the world about your pregnancy?
Most parents wait until the end of the 1st trimester before sharing the news, or when their baby bump is already very obvious. However, there are still some who are so excited that they announce it right after they confirm or learn about the pregnancy.
According to Healthline, waiting to announce your pregnancy has its pros and cons.
Pros of waiting to announce the pregnancy
- The risk of having a miscarriage usually decreases after the first trimester, which is why most parents usually wait until the pregnancy is very stable in the 2nd trimester
- You might feel more comfortable after you’ve had an ultrasound, heard your baby’s heartbeat, or reached a pregnancy milestone.
- Anonymity for you and your partner. Knowing that you’re going to be parents is such an important chapter in your life as a couple. There’s nothing wrong with savoring this moment and keeping it as your little secret for a while.
- While it’s almost inevitable for first-time parents to get unsolicited advice from people around them, you can enjoy the first few months of your baby in your tummy without the constant prodding from other people.
Image from Shutterstock
Cons of waiting to share the news
- The first trimester might be difficult without support. You’ll lose the nuggets of wisdom that you could’ve gained from experienced mommy friends that could’ve helped you with morning sickness, foods to avoid, etc. Letting a close friend or family member know about your pregnancy can be helpful, especially if you’re feeling anxious.
- You might be exposed to workplace hazards if you don’t tell your employer. The first trimester is usually a delicate period in pregnancy so it’s better if you can inform people at your workplace right away so they don’t wonder why you always need to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes.
- Friends and family might find out from other sources instead of you telling them directly.
Whether you want to announce it early or you want to wait for a few more weeks before you can share the news, remember that what’s important is that your decision should revolve around what makes you the most comfortable.
Just the same with the type of pregnancy announcement you want to have. Do you want to make a big deal about it and be extra crafty and creative? Or do you want something classy and heartfelt? It’s totally up to you as parents.
Holiday Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
But if you’re thinking of capitalizing on the holiday spirit to share your amazing news (it could also be a special gift to your families, like the excited grandparents), here are 10 creative ideas to make announcing your pregnancy during the holidays even more memorable!
1. Tiny Christmas stockings!

What could be more adorable than giving loved ones a box with the tiniest Christmas stockings to let them know you have a little one on the way?
2. Let your Christmas ornaments do the talking!

Switch up your traditional holiday decor for ornaments that provide hints that you are expecting the greatest gift of all in the year to come. You can also gift a tiny Christmas ball (with your baby’s initials, or a monogram of a baby )to the family members to hang in their tree.
3. Coordinated gifts for each family member

Have customized mugs made for the soon-to-be grandma and grandpa, or have T-shirts made to let your siblings know they will be an aunt or uncle in the coming year!
You can customize anything, so there’s no limit to what you can do. You can even make something for the entire extended family. Just make sure everyone unwraps their gifts at the same time, for maximum impact.
4. Send a holiday card

This is straightforward but no less touching! Let them know through your yearly holiday card that your bundle of joy is on her way! If you want to go digital, you can even make your own e-newsletter.
5. Use Secret Santa for the Big Reveal!

Want to announce your pregnancy in an unexpected and creative way? Use Secret Santa to give a gift that says you’re expecting!
6. A photo is worth a thousand words

If you want to let everyone in your family and social circle know in one fell swoop, then have a themed photoshoot and upload the photos on your social media account.
7. ‘We’re having a baby’ Christmas party invitations

Let loved ones know you have another reason to celebrate by adding the announcement to holiday party invites.
8. A new calendar with a special date marked!

Want your New Year pregnancy announcement to be useful as well? Gift calendars and encircle or mark your due date to make your relatives and friends look forward to the coming year.
9. Some bubbly to herald the coming of the baby!

You may be “popping bottles of a different kind” soon, but the new year won’t be any less fun.
10. Use some clever wordplay on your New Year pregnancy announcement.
Image from Pinterest
There are a lot of words we associate with holidays like the New Year, and using that on your pregnancy announcement is a good and catchy way to get your message across.
11. Get the help of a popular family member
Get your older kid (or kids) on board and prop them up with a clever sign that says they’re going to be a sibling. What pregnancy announcement could be cuter than that?
12. Announce your pregnancy just before the camera clicks!

Gather your closest family for a photograph and make the announcement just before the photographer takes the shot. You’ll be able to capture the initial, candid reactions of everybody, which will truly be a priceless moment worth treasuring!
Congrats on your pregnancy!
Cute pregnancy announcements
Aside from the holiday pregnancy announcements that you can try, we searched the internet for some cute pregnancy announcements that you can also try.
Of course, the first person you will tell about the news is your partner. Here are some suggestions if you want to make it a surprise or if you want to discover some quick DIY options.
Here are some cute pregnancy announcements you can do to let your husband know that you are having a baby:
Pregnancy announcements: A shirt for daddy
Make your spouse a “Daddy” shirt, enter the room while wearing your “Mommy” shirt, and present your partner with his unique gift.
Pet shirt
For your pet, make or order a shirt. Put the shirt on your animal companion, and have them welcome your lover inside.
Pregnancy announcement: On-the-spot photoshoot
Get a picture of you and your lover facing each other taken by a photographer. Put a finger over your mouth and make a sign that reads, “I’m pregnant.” To read the news, have them turn around.
Once their response is documented on camera, surely, they’ll be thankful for the photoshoot!
For a coffee lover daddy
It will certainly improve your partner’s morning routine when serve them a cup of coffee in a new mug with a personalized inscription, saying “You’re going to be a daddy.”
Cute and simple reveal card
The ideal straightforward pregnancy announcement for your new addition is to welcome your partner with a card that reads, “You plus me equals three” as they enter the house.
Bookmark for your book worm
Is your partner a bookworm or a book lover? If this is the case, create a bookmark that reads, “I’m pregnant! ” or “We are expecting! ” and slip it into his ongoing read. Nothing can get him to put his book down, but this most certainly will!
Pregnancy announcement: Funny Taste test
Do a taste test of pureed foods, including baby foods, with your partner while they are blindfolded for a humorous pregnancy announcement suggestion. Continue to feed them till your partner understands what you’re saying.
Other pregnancy announcements ideas
Let’s go to the beach!
Just another beach day, right? Put on a beach hat with “Baby On Board” written on the brim. You’ll undoubtedly make a double take! You may also scribble your news in the sand and show it to your loved ones.
Pose with baby shoes
Who can resist baby shoes? Take full advantage of the adorableness of baby shoes by standing with them next to your own shoes in a photograph.
Coming soon in cinemas
Make a movie poster of you two lying in bed with all the cookbooks and pregnancy guides you have.
Game On!
Another cute pregnancy announcement is presented through a gaming announcement, but this time it’s for a newborn. Tell everyone that you’re up for the task and prepared to advance to the next level.
Ice, Ice, Baby
Grab two bags of ice for a cheap and entertaining pregnancy announcement. Have your photo taken pointing to your stomach as you and your partner holds the ice packs. Ice, Baby, Ice!
Republished with permission from theAsianParent Singapore
Anecdote and additional information by Camille Eusebio and Jobelle Macayan