Expecting a baby soon? If you are a musician or a music lover, you are in the right page because this will give you 40 baby names inspired by music.
Gift your newborn with a unique and meaningful name by choosing the perfect one from boy names inspired by music and baby girl names inspired by music list.
Baby names inspired by music

Here are the most popular baby names inspired by music.
Baby girl names inspired by music
1. Allegra
Allegra is the feminine version of the Italian adjective “allegro,” which means “cheerful”. When you encounter this term in a piece of music, you can tell it is meant to be played upbeat.
2. Aria
A musical expression, Aria, is an Italian word for “air”. It refers to a song sung by a single voice, as in an operatic solo.
3. Lyric
This term doesn’t need to be defined because we’ve been looking for the lyrics to our favorite songs since we were young. Its name has a poetic flavor because lyrics are just poetry set to music.
4. Piper
Familiar with the Netflix series, Orange is the New Black? Piper is also a name of a band. Furthermore, the word “pipes” is slang for the vocal cords.
5. Harmony
When numerous complementary notes are played at once in music, they merge to create a beautiful sound in “agreement”.
6. Viola – baby girl names inspired by music
The viola is a member of the violin family of instruments. Particularly, it is a little bit larger and tuned a little lower than a violin.
7. Cadence
Both singing and playing can be referred to by Cadence, which denotes the tempo and rhythm that a voice or a group of notes follow. Even the name has a melodious quality.
8. Harper
A harpist is a performer, especially in folk music.
9. Sonata
Some of the most famous sonatas in history were created by Mozart and Beethoven. A Sonata is a piece of music played rather than sung; the name Sonata is derived from the Latin sonare, “to sound.”
10. Melody
A chord progression that is “musically gratifying” is a melody. It serves as one of music’s most essential elements and music’s overarching goal.
Boy names inspired by music

11. Jazz
Jazz is a genre of music that board from its “parents,” ragtime and blues. At the beginning of the 20th century, jazz music reached it’s heights in the 1920s and 1930s.
12. Rhythm
Nothing makes you want to move more than a smooth rhythm. Additionally, it’s a highly fitting name given how active raising children is—they don’t stop moving for at least ten years.
13. Coda
The word “coda,” which means “tail” in Latin, refers to the concluding piece of a musical composition. This name might be particularly fitting for the youngest child in the family.
14. Riff
A repeated chord or melody is referred to as a “riff,” most often in the context of guitars.
15. Aubade
This unique French choice, meaning “dawn love song,” is a sweet and unique baby name for your baby boy.
16. Solo
Your little Solo will stand out like its namesake because it is a piece intended to be performed or sung by only one person.
17. Chord
A chord is a group of notes that are flawlessly in tune and is unquestionably one of the boy names inspired by music.
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18. Major
When talking about chords and scales, the word “major” designates the key of a composition. Compared to the minor key, the opposite, the major key sounds happier and brighter.
19. Elvis
Name your baby after one of the most well-known male musical icons, Elvis Presley.
20. Herod: boy names inspired by music
Choose the unusual Greek baby name that means “song of the hero” for your boy if you want to give him a charming, melodic name.
21. Ramone
The Ramones are widely referenced in the use of the Latin-derived music baby name, which has a groovy vibe and is easy to spell.
22. Brio
We prefer the Italian definition of this term as having vigor, life, spirit, and vivacity. It is a musical term since it also denotes that work is meant to be performed or sung with such intensity. You may use Bria as a variation to make it in the baby girl names inspired by music.
23. Reed
A woodwind instrument’s reed is a thin strip of material that vibrates to produce sound.
24. Forte
A piece meant to perform “forte” will be loud and strong. The word “forte” in Italian means “strong.”
25. Ronen
This well-liked name is frequently mistaken for the Irish name Ronan, but its Hebrew pronunciation and spelling actually mean “song”.
More baby names inspired by music

Here are more baby names inspired by music compiled by Stuck On You.
- Boy names inspired by music: taken from songs
- Jude (Hey Jude, The Beatles)
- Stevie (Stevie Ray Blues, Stevie Wonder)
- Bene (Stella Rose Bennett)
- Dorian (Semitone)
- Baby girl names inspired by music
- Quinn (The Mighty Quinn, Bob Dylan)
- Cecilia (Cecilia, Simon and Garfunkel)
- Clementine (Clementine, The Decemberists)
- Delilah (Delilah, Tom Jones)
- Iris (Iris, The Goo Goo Dolls)
- Calypso (Afro-caribbean music)
- Demi (Demi Lovato)
- Lucy (Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, The Beatles)
- Virginia (Sweet Virginia, The Rolling Stones)
- Celeste (Celeste Epiphany Waite)
- Nera (quarter note)