Edric Mendoza is a guy you listen to. He’s the Lead Anchor of ANC’s On the Money, a keynote speaker for many multi-national companies on personal finance, President of TMA Homeschool Inc., and a member of the Board of Elders of Christ’s Commission Fellowship (CCF).
Behind the expert advice, trustworthy demeanor, and gentlemanly good looks is Edric, father of five: Elijah, 12, Edan, 9, Titus, 7, Tiana, 5, and Catalina, 2. Read about his loving journey of parenthood with his wife, Joy Mendoza of teachwithjoy.com, in this glimpse into the daily doings of their picture-perfect family.
Tell us about Joy.
My wife is the love of my life. She’s my best friend! She’s the most important person in the world to me next to Jesus.
Original photo by: Jon Alexander P. Adiaz of Alshaj Studios | Cropping by theAsianparent PH
Tell us about your kids!
I meet so many amazing people, and have fun with various friends and relatives. But my kids are my most FAVORITE people to be with, in the whole world, next to my wife!
How far have you gone to make your kids laugh?
I’ve dressed in funny costumes, acted out crazy personalities (both fictitious and real), and –what I love doing the most– is the “tickle machine” where I tickle them all over until they are rolling on the floor in laughter!
What’s your favorite:
Daddy duty activity: Family devotion time (I teach the kids a character trait I feel they need to work on, and it is captured by a short Bible verse which the kids then memorize with actions)

Dad advice: Be intentional. Have clear goals for your family, long-term, medium-term, annually, and even monthly, like you would in business or the company you work for.
Tell us about your:
Most heartwarming Dad moment: There are SO many. But I tell my friends who are about to have their first baby that there are two incredibly powerful moments in a child’s life as they grow up. These are the moments that no amount of research or advice or second-hand stories can capture in words. The first is when you first hold your baby in your arms. The second is when they are old enough to look you in the eyes and with all their heart tell you, “I love you Daddy”

Proudest moment as a Dad: I must admit that there isn’t a single one. Perhaps it’s because we home school. Or perhaps it’s because my kids are still young. Have they achieved some amazing things? Yes. Like when my sons won “best entrepreneur” in kiddie entrepreneur events, launching a kiddie story book that utilizes origami creations they made. They have also won the top prize at kiddie money camps.
Read: How to Earn Money as a Kid: 5 Fun Business Ideas!
But I truly beam as a father when I see my kids show godly character where many others would not. For example, they tell me not to order extravagant food items in a restaurant in order to be a “good steward” (a principle we covered in one of our family devotions). They will choose not to spend money they just got from a relative or from a job they performed, and instead give to the church.
How exactly has fatherhood changed Edric? Find out on the next page.
What is the most serious problem that any of your kids have approached you with?
My kids are still young, so I don’t think they’ve brought up what many would consider as “serious”. Although the stickiest situation I have had to deal with are the talks about sex. How did I handle that? You’ll have to attend my parenting training to get that info =)
How has fatherhood changed you?
It has shaped me more than changed me. As I’ve grown into the role (and continue to grow into it!), I realize how vital our role is. At this stage in our parenting journey, I have seen and realized that if the world is truly going to change, fathers need to step up. Fathers need to be intentional, not just present.
Countless data exists on the damage of absentee or passive fathers. So armed with this info, I try my best to rise to the occasion. It is not easy. Life gets busy and complicated, and I find myself neglecting this fundamental perspective. So what do I do when I mess up? I fess up. I call out my mistake and ask my children (and wife where applicable) to forgive me. This isn’t easy either, but I have found it to be a powerful way of showing authenticity.
I am not the perfect father. But I want to keep trying to be one. And, by God’s grace, it seems to be working!

When you see that your wife is exhausted from a long day, what do you do to cheer her up?
That’s censored =) But apart from that, I take her for a walk or a date, or sneak her out of the kids’ area to watch a movie in another room at home. We also have a weekly date night where we both just unwind and refrain from talking pragmatic matters, and just enjoy each other’s company.
Did you turn out to be the parent you wanted to or thought you would be?
I am a work in progress. An imperfect dad, but wanting and trying with all his might to be perfect. I must say this, though: without God and His words in the Bible as my ultimate parenting guide, I would be the worst parent on earth. I would be my worst parenting nightmare. In fact, in all my responses here, if there is anything that has made sense, then it is because of God and His word. If anything here has not made sense, then that’s my own frailty.

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Cropping by theAsianparent PH
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