SMILE even when you’re getting bigger!
Here are some of the privileges i had experienced as a pregnant woman. I’m sure many moms and expecting moms out there might have experienced this too.
7 privileges i had experienced as a pregnant woman

1. Parking is easy
I am allowed to park at the Senior Citizen lane. I’m thankful that Malls have this kind of lane, because it eases my difficulty in finding a lane and saves much time.
2. No lines in the restrooms
I can easily urinate using the disabled area whenever i need to. So great!
3. For malls that have Pay Lounges (such as Ayala Malls)
I can use their lounges for FREE. Im really grateful for this special service from them. Because as you may know, lounges are very pleasant and comfortable to use, complete with all the things you might think of needing.
I love Ayala Malls for this! thumbs up!
REAL STORIES: “I did not lose myself in Motherhood, I found myself.”
REAL STORIES: “From Ma’am to Full-time Mom.”
“When I got miscarriage. Gumaling ang PCOS ko and after 6 months.. I got pregnant again.”
4. Special Lane at the Banks
I’m glad i don’t need to be in queue for so long in some shops and payment centers. They accommodate me right away.
5. Special Lane at Payment Centers
So thankful that when I arrange my SSS Maternity Notification, I had an early finish with the help of this Special Lane. Pregnant mommies, don’t forget to process this to get the benefits from SSS after you gave birth.

5. Special treatment and priorities
In vehicles and public areas. Yes, i feel special and i’m glad that there are people who are very understanding and courteous for pregnant woman.
6. Extra care and love from families and friends
When you are pregnant, they care EXTRA for you. They will always think of what you want, how you feel and what you need. I feel so blessed to have them in my life because i feel so pampered.
7. More LOVE from my husband.
I think more than anything else, it helps if you have your husband to accompany you in check-ups and supports you all through out your pregnancy.
Sometimes, i feel i’m being unfair and stubborn (esp during my 1st trimester), but he always tries to give in to my requests and tantrums. He always makes me smile through his simple gestures, specially since he knows i love pasalubongs. Siomai, siopao, mani, dunkin donuts and flowers – were some of my favorites.
And during the times that i become more demanding with his time – it was difficult for us because his workaholic but i always want him by my side. So he tries to understand my situation by trying to get home as early as he could.
Overall, he had tried his best and has pampered me whenever i am pregnant. And i couldn’t be more thankful for having a husband by my side.
So you see, its not always a struggle when you are pregnant. Despite all the bawals and sacrifices, there are some perks too. Of course, apart from the fact that it is a huge blessing from the Lord.
So SMILE even when you’re getting bigger.
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