You’ve finally hit the 40th week, and your baby is due to burst into the world now! But of course, the whole process of birth isn’t as romantic as it sounds, with birthing pains involved. But what if the due date has passed and still no sign of a baby yet? How to induce labor on your own?
How to induce labor naturally

Luckily, there are safe ways you can try to jumpstart the magical experience of giving birth (with the go signal of your ob-gyne, of course!). Here are six ways you can try on how to induce labor naturally.
How to induce labor at home fast? Yes, ladies and gents, getting in the sack for some romp action not only keeps the romance burning even with a bun in the oven, but has been said to induce labor.
When a man ejaculates in a woman’s vagina, it releases hormones known as prostaglandin, which helps “ripen” the cervix, making it dilate and ready for the passage of the baby.
Unless your doctor has advised otherwise due to pregnancy complications, it’s never too late to get busy with your man.
How to stimulate nipples to induce labor
Nipple stimulation is helpful, and this is well supported by science. Depending on your medical history, stimulating your nipples might have a risk or not. Be sure to check with your doctor first.
The release of oxytocin is stimulated by nibble rolling, or rubbing. Oxytocin promotes arousal, the beginning of labor, and the bonding between the delivering parent and child. The uterus also contracts due to this hormone after birth, helping it shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size.
Stimulating the breasts may also help to induce full-term labor by lengthening and intensifying contractions. In reality, during medical inductions, doctors routinely administer Pitocin, a drug that is a synthetic form of oxytocin.
How to stimulate nipples to induce labor?
- Try to imitate a baby’s latch. Your nipples can stimulate with the help of your fingertips, a breast pump, or even your partner’s tongue.
- Using your fingers or palm, gently touch your areola and nipple through any thin clothing you may be wearing. You can also lubricate or add oil to your nipple to make it more comfortable.
- Pay attention to one breast at a time.
- Simply stimulate yourself for five minutes, then wait for fifteen more before trying again.
- Stop nipple stimulation during contractions start.
- Stop stimulating the nipples when the contractions last one minute or more and are separated by no more than three minutes.
2. How effective is walking to induce labor?
Walking is one of the most natural and inexpensive ways to induce labor, as gravity works wonders by pulling the baby downwards, making the cervix dilate. This also helps put the baby in the right position where the head is down the pelvis (also known as cephalic presentation).
How effective is walking to induce labor? Not only do you get some much-needed exercise, but it also speeds up your baby’s birth. So get those steppers working, and head out for a walk, momma!
3. What to eat to induce labor: Spicy food
Eating spicy food may cause some disruption in the stomach, which is what could induce labor to some. But this should be preceded with caution, as spicy food may cause indigestion, or worse, LBM if your stomach can’t handle the heat.
What to eat to induce labor: Other food you must try

These foods may induce labor, but remember to consult your doctor before trying what to eat to induce labor.
The idea that eating a whole pineapple can start labor is based on the enzyme bromelain, which is thought to help soften the cervix and trigger contractions. Again, there isn’t any clinical evidence to support this claim.
Blood flow to the uterus is said to be increased by red raspberry leaf tea, which results in contractions. However, no study has been able to support these assertions, and experts concur that, given the lack of solid evidence, buying this tea is a risky investment.
In a small research, women who ate six dates a day for a month before their due dates were more likely to have spontaneous labor and had bigger cervical dilations when admitted to the hospital. A recent study found that eating dates may help with labor later on but won’t impact the start of labor.
Due to the fact that dates are naturally high in fiber and a sudden increase in fiber might result in cramps and digestive issues, eating additional dates every day is likely to have a similar effect as eating a lot of spicy foods when pregnant.
Most likely as a result of the well-known “eggplant babies” meal at Scalini’s, a restaurant south of Atlanta, Georgia, which, by local lore, leads pregnant women to give birth within two days of eating it.
However, there is no scientific evidence that it would be effective.
Some mothers believe that the homemade balsamic vinegar dressing that comes with the “maternity salad” at Caioti Pizza Café in Studio City, California, is the “secret sauce,” although there is no proof to back up this assertion.
4. How many squats to induce labor
The American Pregnancy Association recommends squatting for labor. They assert that squatting can widen the pelvic outlet by 10% more.
Squatting helps pregnant women avoid constipation and pelvic floor strain.
When you’re trying to induce labor, squatting makes it simpler for the baby to descend down the birth canal.
Squatting assists in developing stronger leg and abdominal muscles throughout the third trimester. Firm legs and a strong tummy are needed during labor and the final push to deliver a baby.
How many squats to induce labor?
Once the baby is in the head-down position, labor support doula and postpartum corrective exercise specialist Melissa Green suggests performing squats for up to five minutes each day.
Although squatting is typically safe to initiate labor, there are a few considerations.
If your baby is in the breech position, squatting could be harmful. Because squatting will cause it to drop into the birth canal, this prevents it from moving into the proper position. Therefore, ensure your baby is head down by seeing your doctor before attempting to squat.
It’s vital to discuss any potential risks with your doctor before performing squats to induce labor.
7 labor positions that might help you to ease pain during labor and their pros and cons
The stages of labor you need to know
7 signs na malapit nang magsimula ang pag-labor ng buntis sa susunod na 24-48 hours
5. Induction massage
Image from Shutterstock
Everyone wants a relaxing massage to soothe the body, and even more so for heavily pregnant women who need all the soothing and relaxing they can get before giving birth.
A kind of massage that can help trigger birth is called an induction massage where a therapist who specializes in this kind of technique targets special acupressure points that could induce labor.
6. Acupuncture
Acupuncture uses very fine needles that you won’t feel at all inserted in different parts of the body, prompting different sensations, depending on what the body needs. Acupuncture is also believed to help women conceive.
7. Oil remedies
Some women swear by orally taking oil remedies that helped them induce labor, such as evening primrose oil and castor oil. The body breaks down primrose oil into prostaglandin, softening the cervix, while castor oil, as much as it is a proven agent to induce labor, is also known as a strong laxative.
Women who opt to take castor oil are advised to proceed with caution and as prescribed by their doctor. While there are more ways that are believed to induce labor, it is always a priority to get medical clearance before proceeding with your own remedies.
Remember that even if you induce labor as naturally as possible, your baby won’t make its grand entrance to the world unless it’s ready to do so.
Additional information from Margaux Dolores
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.