You are now 39 weeks pregnant! One more week and you will finally hear the first labor approaching?
How big is your baby?

Your baby is now full-term, which means they already look like a newborn. It is expected at this time that your baby is in a position head down, preparing for the “big day.” According to Healthline, newborns vary in weight and length.
The average weight of a newborn baby is 7 to 8 pounds, while its height is 19 to 20 inches. But always remember, mommy and daddy, that it is only the average size and weight of a newborn baby. All babies are different and unique individuals. So, as long as your baby is healthy, there is nothing to worry about.
39 weeks pregnant: Your baby’s development
In this week-by-week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Physical development aside (your baby can now flex his limbs!), your baby’s brain continues to develop, making them smarter by the week.
- Their nails may extend past their fingertips, they can open their eyes, and they’re breathing well.
- Other than making your baby’s cheeks kissable and pinchable, the thicker layer of fat deposited over their blood vessels causes their skin to turn from pink to white. This is regardless of how dark-skinned they will be eventually; pigmentation occurs soon after birth.
- Their lungs and brain are still developing but are now functional enough.
39 weeks pregnant symptoms
Here are some 39 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore:
- You will go through false labor every now and then. This is pain that usually starts in the front of your abdomen that goes away when you change positions. However, if the pain persists and comes frequently and regularly, inform your doctor.
- The urge to nest (cleaning and tidying up your space) becomes stronger, though try not to stress yourself while cleaning. Do not be the one carrying or packing away heavy items.
Photo by Juan Encalada on Unsplash
39 weeks pregnant signs of labor
You need to observe yourself and the 39 weeks pregnant symptoms that you may experience. Why? Because it is possible that the symptoms you are experiencing are actually 39 weeks pregnant signs of labor approaching.
39 weeks pregnant signs of labor approaching
According to Healthline, there are four major signs that labor is approaching.
The 4 major 39 weeks pregnant signs of labor are diarrhea, loss of mucus plug, water breaking, and cervical effacement.
It is important to monitor your contractions and you need to know the difference between true labor contractions and false labor contractions.
Braxton Hicks contractions or false labor contractions are irregular and may go away when you change position or change the activity you are doing. On the other hand, true labor contractions are consistent in their interval and intensify. If the time between contractions shortens it is one of 39 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore. If your contractions intensify and became regular, get ready, because it means that you are in your labor.
39 weeks pregnant no signs of labor
But how about if you are 39 weeks pregnant but there are no signs of labor yet? Should you be worried? According to Healthline, you should not be worried because it only means that you have some time left in your pregnancy.
If you are healthy and do not have medical conditions that may risk your baby, there is nothing to worry about if your pregnancy extends up to 40th to the 41st week. However, if it reaches the 42nd week and still no sign of labor, your healthcare provider will do some kind of intervention to help you with your labor.
39 weeks pregnant discharge
According to NHS UK, at 39 weeks pregnant white milky discharge is normal especially if it doesn’t have a bad smell. If you are 39 weeks pregnant, you may be getting an increase in discharge.
On the other hand, if you notice that your 39 weeks pregnant white milky discharge became thick, bloody mucus then it is what we call a bloody show. This is also normal and is only a sign that your baby is coming.
The mucus plug is a normal way for the body to keep your uterus safe from germs and bacteria. As your body is preparing for labor, your cervix will naturally expel this mucus plug with some vaginal blood.
Photo by Ömürden Cengiz on Unsplash
Pregnancy Care
- It is important that you continue to eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep. You will need all the strength that you can muster to go through what’s right around the corner: your delivery!
Your Checklist
- Ensure your hospital bag has all that you need and is ready to go.
- Go through your action plan just in case you go into labor: Who do you call? What do you bring? Where should you go? What should you do when you’re in a certain situation? Since all you can do now is wait, use this time to ensure that you have every single detail in place.
Your next week: 40 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 38 weeks pregnant
Additional information written by Jobelle Macayan
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.