Have you seen your child turn into a little King Kong when he does not get what he wants? Does your Princess turn her nose up high and not listen to what you say? As parents, we all see these typical scenarios on a daily basis. Implementing discipline to your child may be a long and arduous process but it is worth it. Here are some good discipline techniques on how to raise a respectful and obedient child.

Good Discipline Techniques For Your Child
1. Firmly lay out their boundaries.
Tell your child in advance the reason for your chose method of discipline and lay out the boundaries, too. Avoid making idle threats as well. He will then understand that you are true to your words and will listen attentively to what you say.
Discipline when applied while you are angry never results in good outcomes. It causes stress for both you and your child.
So taking time to compose yourself is a good discipline technique since it will allow you to calm down and to gather your thoughts. Your child, at the same time, will be able to contemplate on what made mum or dad upset.
Try to take a step back and apply discipline calmly. Your calmness will affect your child as well so he will be more open and understanding of the consequences.
3. Enact the consequences.
Take things away or make them miss certain activities if they are behaving incorrectly or being disobedient. For example, set curfews or perhaps take away the PS4 for a certain period of time if your child misbehaves.
The key here is consistency. Let your yes be yes and no be no. Your children will understand that you mean what you say and will stop pushing and trying to loosen up their boundaries.
Stick to your guns, Moms and Dads!
4. Talk it out.
Your child is smart so it’s be wise to let him use his power of discernment. Conversations about disciplinary actions, your family’s rules and his responsibilities do not have to be serious all the time.
Discuss the dos and don’ts with him over snack time, while walking in the park, or in between a match of Scrabbles. This will make them feel at ease, open up and understand that discipline is actually an act of selfless love, which is implemented for their own well-being.
A constant provision of reminders will help them adhere to rules and regulations more easily. Keep an open line of communication as much as possible. A heartfelt conversation between you and your child is indeed a good technique for discipline.
The good discipline techniques listed above are simple yet key factors which ensure that you are able to apply discipline in a loving manner thus leaving a positive impact to your child’s mental and emotional growth.
Remember to set boundaries, take time-outs, consistently enforce consequences, and thoroughly discuss your family’s rules and their own responsibilities to help instill good habits and values at a young age.
Read also: Smart Ways To Discipline Your Child At Every Age
Source: familyhow.com
Republished with permission from: theAsianParent Singapore