Every parent always wants the best for their kids, and to ensure that their nutrition is forefront. In this effort, we have the Food Feature in our APP to help parents along.
The Food Feature is pretty straightforward and easy to use. In this feature, we have different kinds of food listed and categorized. You can start with looking up the food that you are consistently eating and see if this is good for you and your family through our Food Feature.
Let's go through it shall we?

You can check, pork, for example, which is listed under meat. You can see what is in the pork products, for example what is in pork sausages. And it will show if you you can eat these products or food during your pregnancy, right after you give birth or post partum, when you're breastfeeding and if it is ok for your baby to eat in their first year. It will have a symbol next to each of these stages that will indicate whether or not this is ok to eat or not during these times or if you need to exercise caution.

It shows the basic minerals and nutrients that are in that kind of food in a really quick breakdown. If you click on the name of the food, it will go into a longer description where you will see per stage why this food may need to be eaten with caution, if it's allowed or isn't allowed at all.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and we will always recommend you ask your physician or healthcare professional for the final word on what you can and cannot eat, especially for when you are pregnant. But this is just a quick guide for those who are unsure if certain kinds of food and drink are allowed and not allowed when you are pregnant, post partum, breastfeeding, and even for your baby.
We hope this helps you in your journey through parenthood! Let us know also if you would like us to add on any other food or category. We would appreciate the feedback. Good luck!