Trying to have a child is not easy as 123. Unfortunately, there are couples out there that have not been blessed with one. And if you are one of those people who need supplements to be able to conceive, you’re on the right place. We’ve listed the top fertility supplements on the market to help you get pregnant.
There are many reasons why couple can’t conceive a child right away. But don’t lose hope ’cause we’re here to help. Read on to know our 6 best picks of supplements, plus learn some tips from us to increase your fertility.
Do you really need a fertility supplement?
Many women and men have tried all the options they got but they still fail to conceive a child. This can be frustrating and sad at the same time. This is why technology has invented the power of fertility supplements. For sure, you will probably ask yourself if you really need this.
These are the following benefits a fertility supplement can provide you:
- First, fertility supplements help in the ovulation and menstruation process for women.
- Second, they also assist in the function of thyroid glands in people.
- Third, there are also supplements that can aid in energy production.
- Fourth, they do not just help in conceiving a child but they can also improve your immune function.
- Lastly, since they are made especially for fertility they can help when it comes to egg maturing.
Best Fertility Supplement Brands
Are you ready for your next journey into parenthood? Undoubtedly, many couples’ ultimate dream is to have a family of their own. You might try many things in the past but still did not successfully make a little one. Do not worry, you should still have hopes because you can try these recommendations we got.
Fertility Supplement Brands
 | BELTA Folic Acid Supplement for Men and Women Best fertility supplement for men and women |  | View Details | Buy from Shopee |
 | FERN Activ (Vitamin B Complex) Best for vitamin B complex component |  | View Details | BUY FROM LAZADA |
 | Fairhaven Health Male Fertility Supplement Best fertility booster for men |  | View Details | BUY FROM SHOPEE |
 | Menevit Men's Fertility Best for sperm health |  | View Details | BUY FROM LAZADA |
 | Naturethics Fertility Supplement Best for natural formula |  | View Details | BUY FROM SHOPEE |
 | PREGO Fertility Support Best for antioxidants components |  | View Details | BUY FROM LAZADA |
Best fertility supplement for men and women
Fertility Supplement: 6 Best Picks To Boost Your Fertility – Belta
Belta Folic Acid is the number 1 fertility supplement in Japan. Firstly, this is proven as one of the best things to help in making menstruation regular for women and ensuring a high sperm count for men. Secondly, the product also promised to ensure the proper production of red blood cells in the body.
Thirdly, it has also good benefits when you get pregnant. Lastly, this one can regulate your baby’s brain development and raises IQ.
Why do we love it:
- Has 13 vitamins, 14 minerals, and 20 classes of amino acids
- Can be taken by both men and women
- Sperm count booster
- With essential nutrients
Best for vitamin B complex component
Fertility Supplement: 6 Best Picks To Boost Your Fertility – Fern-Activ
FERN-ACTIV fertility supplement is packed with B-Vitamins needed for the energy surge ideal for peak performance. In addition to that, it is made of various Vitamins and Minerals. It is important to remember that these things are needed by the body to become healthy.
When there is a healthy body, the percentage of having a healthy child also increases. Furthermore, this product contains Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D, Calcium, and more.
It should be noted that Vitamin B is needed by the body for the body and reproductive system to function properly. It is often found in foods of green leafy vegetables, nuts, and dairy products.
Why do we love it:
- Helps in good digestion
- Gives you proper nerve function
- Supports the immune system for better health
- Provides a healthy brain function
Best fertility booster for men
Fertility Supplement: 6 Best Picks To Boost Your Fertility – Fairhaven Health
Isa pa sa expert trusted male fertility supplement sa buong mundo ay ang Fairhaven Health Fertility Supplements are complete supplements for male partners with infertility. Definitely, it is perfect for men with low sperm count or low libido. Moreover, taking these fertility supplements strengthen sperm and also nourishes a man’s reproductive system.
Without a doubt, you will surely make yourself purchase one of these because they are really effective for fertility. In fact, the brand made sure to include antioxidants and other essential nutrients. These are what men’s sperm cells need.
Why do we love it:
- Made to support men’s sperm cell
- Increases sperm count
- Has amino acids
- With L-Carnitine
Best for sperm health
Fertility Supplement: 6 Best Picks To Boost Your Fertility – Menevit
Menevit is a supplement formulated to maintain sperm health for couples planning pregnancy. These capsules are designed specifically made for male fertility. Women are not the only ones who lose hope when a couple does not have children for a long time. Husbands can also experience decreased self-confidence. Now, this brand can give hope for men’s fertility.
A very helpful supplement as it contains all things needed to make a healthy sperm cell. Given that, each capsule has the power of Ascorbic Acid, Zinc, Folic, Acid, and other important nutrients.
Why do we love it:
- Strengthens sperm of men
- Increases sperm count
- Has amino acids
- With L-Carnitine
Best for natural formula
Fertility Supplement: 6 Best Picks To Boost Your Fertility – Naturethics
As the brand suggests, Naturethics made this fertility supplement from all-natural ingredients. Naturethics Fertility Food Supplement is a good step to increase your chance of pregnancy while being healthy. This has complete pregnancy and fertility nutrition and can improve your reproductive health. It can also help in enhancing your libido to make your sex life better.
Not just that, but it is also proven the best for relieving PCOS symptoms and irregular menstruation.
Why do we love it:
- Increases sexual appetite
- Helps in PCOS symptoms
- No harmful ingredients
- Aids in balancing your hormones
Best for antioxidants components
Fertility Supplement: 6 Best Picks To Boost Your Fertility – Prego
A fertility supplement that is specially made for women? The PREGO Fertility Support is what we got for you. You will love this product for sure. Firstly, it can help you make your irregular period into a regular one so you can get pregnant easily. Above all, this one is a good one to take if you have PCOS because it relieves symptoms of it.
Additionally, if you are looking for a supplement with many benefits, this one is for you. The supplement can help in improving your acne and oily skin too!
Why do we love it:
- Has aloe vera honey
- Aids in acne and oily skin
- Approved by the Food and Drug Administration
- With rosehip seed oil
Price Comparison Table
Fertility supplement brands |
Price |
BELTA Folic Acid Supplement for Men and Women |
Php 3,285.00 – Php 3,380.00 |
FERN Activ (Vitamin B Complex) |
Php 599.00 |
Fairhaven Health Fertility Supplement |
Php 1,299.00 – Php 4,250.00 |
Australia Elevit Menevit Men’s Fertility |
Php 2,450.00 – Php 2,900.00 |
Naturethics Fertility Food Supplement |
Php 595.00 |
Prego Fertility Support |
Php 1,049.00 |
Signs that you have a problem with your fertility
Not being able to get pregnant is the main sign of infertility. There might not be any other evident signs. Women who are infertile can experience irregular or nonexistent menstrual cycles. Men who are infertile occasionally show symptoms of hormone imbalances, such as changes in hair growth or sex patterns.
Unless you have been routinely trying to conceive for at least a year, you probably are not required to see your doctor about infertility. However, you should speak with a care provider sooner if they:
- Have been married for a long time but still not blessed with a child
- Experiencing an irregular menstruation
- Enduring hip pain while having sex
- Frequently having a miscarriage
- Having no appetite for sex or decreased libido
- Had already received cancer treatment
- Encountered several miscarriages
- Have endometriosis or a pelvic inflammatory illness diagnosed
Ways to do if you want to have children
There are several ways for a person to be fertile. Most of these tips have to do with lifestyle change. These are the following:
Fertility Supplement: 6 Best Picks To Boost Your Fertility
Eating nutritious
When it is said to be nutritious, you need to make sure the foods you eat are fresh. Clearly, it is better to buy in fresh markets or large markets. Buy foods that contain antioxidants such as garlic, onion, eggplant, and many more.
The antioxidant fights free radicals in cells that cause damage or disease. Also eat foods rich in folic acids such as green leafy vegetables, peas, and more. Folic acid is also one of the vitamins given for pregnancy.
Avoiding the consumption of foods with transfat
Trans fat is one of the reasons why a woman develops obesity and ovulation problems. Importantly, it helps a lot to avoid foods that contain trans fat. Choose healthy snacks like salad and fresh fruit if cravings develop.
Reduce the intake of carbohydrates
If you have PCOS, it is best to avoid eating carbohydrates such as rice, bread, cakes, pasta, and so on. In should be noted that high carbohydrates in the body are the reason why sugar rises in the body which is one of the reasons why you do not have children immediately.
Control smoking
As mentioned above, frequent smoking is a major factor in infertility in a person. With the number of chemicals in cigarettes, it is not far off to have a big impact on health.
If possible, control it as much as you can. Avoid if necessary. In addition, if this is not possible, consult a specialist about possible alternatives to prevent it.
If you are sluggish and overweight, you need to set aside at least 30 minutes for exercise. Furthermore, you don’t have to go out of the house, some exercises can be done just inside your house.
There are videos on youtube that are easy to follow and do not require special equipment. If it is done often. There is a good chance that your health will improve.
Get enough sleep or rest if needed
Indeed, great things can be done when a person has enough sleep or rest in a day. Obviously, not only does the day become productive, but the body and mind also become healthier. In addition, it also plays a big role in the proper functioning of the reproductive system in a person.
Avoiding things that cause stress
Undoubtedly, stress is one of the biggest impacts on a person’s health. When a person is constantly stressed, there is a high chance that the body and mind will not function properly.
It results in a weakening of the immune system and other diseases of the body and mind. Avoid things that cause great stress. If unavoidable, seek recreation that is good for your body and mind.
It could be an interest in sports, hobbies that relax, and activities that keep you entertained.
Stopping the vice
Addiction has a profound effect on the overall. Drug use causes infertility. Particularyly, the excessive alcohol consumption. Whenever possible, stop any vices that affect the body and mind. Turn your attention to things that help self-development.
Taking fertility supplements or vitamins to get pregnant
If all of the above have been tested and observed, it is still best to do a consultation with the ob gyne (for women) and urologist (for men). They will do laboratory tests to find out the condition of your body. They will advise on what to do and food supplements that can be taken to be fertile.