Unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist: Many moms claim to know they were pregnant long before they ever tried a home pregnancy test. How? Get to know in this article the early unusual pregnancy symptoms.
While you can’t solely depend on these physical queues to answer the question of whether or not you’re pregnant, there’s no denying that they are usually indicative of something.
So to which physical changes and queues are we referring, and for which ones should women be on the lookout?
As it turns out–a lot. Thankfully, we’re here to share 11 early pregnancy signs that you should be mindful of because, frankly, not many women think much of these signs!
Unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist
Take a look at these 11 early signs of pregnancy that you may have not heard ever before. Here’s a checklist of unusual early pregnancy symptoms to watch out for:
1. Unusual pregnancy symptoms: Acne flare-ups
Typically, pregnant women are thought to have radiant, glowing skin with a beautiful complexion. However, the initial hormone changes may cause a flare-up of acne and some blemishes. If you’re inexplicably dealing with breakouts on your face, chest, or back, you may want to look further into things.

2. Bladder infections
Another victim of the change of hormones in pregnant women is the urinary tract. As a result, you’re more susceptible to bladder infections. Constant occurrences of these could be pointing to something more than you think.
“People think that if you have bleeding you cannot be pregnant,” says Serena H. Chen, MD, the Director of Reproductive Medicine at IRMS at Saint Barnabas, in New Jersey. “However, when a patient has bleeding that is not completely normal, the first thing doctors think is, ‘Could she be pregnant?’”
Heavy bleeding or light spotting could be pointing to pregnancy, as these bleeding patterns typically indicate the implantation of fertilized eggs in the uterus.
Although implantation bleeding is normal and is not something to cause worry, it is still important to consult your doctor if you experience bleeding in early pregnancy.
Bleeding in pregnancy can also be caused by serious conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, cervical irritation, or a threatened miscarriage. So, make sure to consult your doctor once you notice bleeding as one of the early unusual pregnancy symptoms.
4. Unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist: Bowel problems
Hormone changes may cause problems with your diet as well. This can cause bowel problems like constipation, diarrhea, and even irritable bowel syndrome in pregnant women. If you’re experiencing bowel movement issues and dietary changes when you typically don’t, do your research.
5. Menstrual cramps
You’re no stranger to menstrual cramps, sure, but it could be something else entirely. Your uterus may not be contracting to shed. It could be expanding to make more room for your baby.

Did you know pregnancy can actually alleviate migraines? It’s all in the hormones. While that deal sounds pretty awesome, it’s actually rather surprising for women who frequently suffer from migraines and could be a big indication of a baby on the way.
7. Frequent nausea/vomiting
Around 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, women tend to start dealing with morning sickness; this typically peaks at 9 to 13 weeks. However, further down the road, if you experience distinct changes in appetite and the ability to keep food down, you may want to do some testing.
Some women experience extreme morning sickness called Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), and it can begin before a missed period. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting that causes rapid weight loss, confusion, dehydration, waxy skin, ketosis, and extreme fatigue. If you suspect you are suffering from HG, call your doctor right away.
8. Unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist: Frequent urination
If you’ve noticed, among other things, a dramatic increase in the frequency at which you have to pee, you may want to invest in a home pregnancy test. Your blood circulation may have already started to increase, your uterus may be growing, and your hormones are changing!
9. Purplish vulva
If you’re curious, you may have taken a personal look for further research. An increase in blood flow to your pelvis can give your vagina, labia, and cervix a bluish, almost purple, hue called Chadwick’s Sign. It’s nothing to worry about, but maybe an indication you needed to test your pregnancy.

10. Acute sense of smell
Pregnancy isn’t all bad. In fact, it can make some women into superhuman sniffers! Amy Picklesimer, MD, a Greenville, South Carolina, maternal-fetal medicine specialist in private practice, claims that your “olfactory system can get knocked into overdrive very quickly after you get pregnant”.
11. No signs (wait–what?)
Surprisingly, showing no signs at all can actually be a symptom of pregnancy. Weird, right? Dr. Picklesimer claims, “Some women don’t feel any different at all.” Still, if you’re doubtful or curious, just buy a pregnancy test and resolve your curiosity.
More early unusual pregnancy symptoms
Unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist
12. Unusual early pregnancy symptoms a checklist: Heartburn
The changes in hormones in your body due to pregnancy are the reason for most of the symptoms you may experience. One of the effects of the change in hormones is heartburn.
The valve between your stomach and esophagus becomes relaxed which may result in the leaking of stomach acid into the esophagus. The leakage of acid causes heartburn.
The sudden change of hormones when you become pregnant can affect your emotions too. You will feel extra sensitive and emotional. Aside from that, according to Healthline, your libido turns from being hot to being cold then back to hot again.
14. Metallic taste
The increase in estrogen and progesterone when you are pregnant can cause changes in taste. This may sound weird, but some pregnant women experience a condition called dysgeusia.
It is a condition where you feel as if you are tasting metal or chomping on some old coins. To lessen the metallic taste, you may drink colder liquids or eat spicier foods.
15. Lower immunity
Pregnancy not only affects your hormones but also your immunity. When you are pregnant you are more prone to cough, colds, and flu. If you suspect that you may be pregnant and experiencing flu, cough, or cold, make sure to consult your doctor about pregnancy-safe treatment options.
Remember, mommy, not all medicines are safe to take during pregnancy. Some medicines may cause harm to you and your baby. Furthermore, you have to make sure you’ll get treatment for your flu. Not getting treatment for flu-like symptoms can lead to serious health problems for your baby.
Image by Jcomp from Freepik
Prenatal vitamins and changes in hormones during pregnancy may cause constipation. You may experience difficulty passing your bowel due to your digestive system slowing down during pregnancy. It is a natural process of your body to give nutrients enough time to absorb into your bloodstream and reach your developing baby.
Eating fiber-rich foods may help you ease constipation. Also, make sure to drink plenty of fluids and exercise regularly.
17. Basal body temperature
You can also determine that you are pregnant by observing your basal body temperature. When you wake up after ovulation, it is normal that your temperature elevates. However, if your basal body temperature remains elevated for more than two weeks, then it may be an unusual pregnancy symptom.
Additional information by Jobelle Macayan
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.