Here are the symptoms of being 10 weeks pregnant. Find out the other important information in our trusted pregnancy guide such as well-planned care.
You are in your first trimester of pregnancy and you are already 10 weeks pregnant! What should you expect during this particular period? What are the 10 weeks pregnancy symptoms? We have prepared a to-do list and all the information you need to know when you are 10 weeks pregnant.
How big is your baby during 10 weeks pregnant?

10 weeks pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby’s brain is developing at an astounding rate: nearly 250,000 neurons are forming every minute!
- All his vital organs, including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver, are now in place and starting to function.
- His hands and feet begin to separate into fingers and toes, and there are beginnings of tiny fingernails.
- His bones are starting to harden to take shape.
- He has started developing buds for teeth.
- Your male baby has started producing testosterone.
Symptoms of 10 weeks pregnant
10 weeks pregnancy symptoms: In general knowledge of a long list of pregnancy symptoms, situations like that annoying nauseating feeling just won’t seem to budge. Also, it feels like you have so much air in you, and all that gassiness is coming out in loud (embarrassing) burping and farts, too.
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10 weeks pregnancy symptoms
The list below will show us particular symptoms of being 10 weeks pregnant.
- The veins in your breasts and abdomen start to be prominent. In addition, these veins are much more noticeable compared to your pre-pregnancy condition. This is quite normal and there is no need to worry about it.
- Your pregnant belly will be sore and you may feel pain because the baby inside is growing and developing. That is why your uterus is also expanding. If you might feel severe pain, do not hesitate to contact your doctor or healthcare provider.
- During this period, you may also gain weight. This weight gain is significantly related to your baby’s growth.
- Estrogen levels tend to rise which might result in more vaginal discharge, and this is because of your pregnancy. This pregnancy discharge has a milky texture, with a mild odor. If you notice an unpleasant odor in your discharge, greenish or yellowish in color, pain or itchiness in your vulva or pain with blood in urination, call a doctor immediately.
- You may feel heartburn.
- Craving or rejecting any foods.
- Your sense of smell can be sensitive throughout this period.
- There will be bloating or a feeling of being bloated. You can avoid this by eating at most 6 times a day. In addition, you should not eat late in the evening. A short walk after eating may also help.
Other 10 weeks pregnant symptoms are the following:
- Extreme tiredness, headaches, and dizziness
- Indigestion and heartburn
- White milky vaginal discharge
- Belly cramps just like when you have period pain
- Discoloration of skin on your face
- Metallic taste in your mouth
- Mood swings
- Nausea
- Thicker and shinier hair
At week 10, you are nearly at the end of your first trimester. You may feel the above-mentioned symptoms and struggle with them. But mommy, as you move forward to your 2nd trimester, your pregnancy symptoms will gradually fade away.
Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels
Pregnancy Care for 10 weeks pregnant
- To beat nausea, try different food to see what works in providing relief. Some mums go for salted crackers or even ginger tea to help them get through the day and night. Otherwise, seek your gynecologist’s advice for Vitamin B6 and/or B12, which many mums claim helps alleviate nausea.
- Keeping away from raw food–sashimi, uncooked vegetables and meats, and egg–is a wise choice. You definitely wouldn’t want to risk having food poisoning at this point as having the runs would lead to uterus contractions and dehydration.
- If you notice any spotting or unusual foul discharge, do seek advice from your gynecologist. During the early weeks of pregnancy, the fetus may not be stable and thus the first trimester is also the most vulnerable period.
- Avoid carrying heavy things now. So if you have things to move or carry around, get help instead of taking on an additional risk during pregnancy.
- If you have any cats at your home, avoid, if possible, cleaning their litter box. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), toxoplasmosis is a serious bacterial infection that cats may transmit.
- Routine exercise (for pregnant) can help boost your digestive system and can help you to sleep well. You may try yoga or meditation, or you can ask your doctor for appropriate exercises for you to try.
- Take a rest first after eating before going to sleep.
- Avoid and limit drinking any beverages with too much caffeine.
- Do not sit in a cross-legged position. Also, avoid standing or sitting for a much longer time span. This might result in varicose veins.
Health check for 10 weeks pregnant
Nutrition and health are very important for pregnant mommies. Here are some diet tips that 10 weeks pregnant moms can follow.
- Rice and its alternatives
- whole grains
- fruits and vegetables
- lean meat and other alternatives
- milk
- Limit eating foods that are high in fats, salts, and sweets. It is also better to take note that you are getting a good amount of vitamins and minerals.
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Additionally, having moderate physical activity within 30 minutes a day is potentially beneficial and safe for pregnant women. Some of the exercises that you may try are the following:
- Aerobics can progress circulation, heart and lungs stimulation, muscle tone, and joint health. These aerobics include walking, biking, jogging, and swimming.
- Lightweight training that supports muscle tone, strength, and endurance. Use light weights and do not let your body strain.
- Yoga gives relaxation, flexibility, breathing, and posture. It helps in developing your strength and improves your endurance.
- Pilates helps in maintaining good posture and develops muscle strength, breathing, and flexibility.
However, it is still better to consult your doctor before trying any type of exercise for you to know which exercise to avoid. Also, it is better to know which is appropriate for you.
Although exercise is essential to pregnant women, it is also important to be knowledgeable and to be safe about what exercise is necessary for you.
Your Checklist
- Load up on healthy food such as spinach (folate), fruits (vitamins and fiber), and milk (calcium) to keep your body in tip-top condition.
- Go for short, slow walks to keep good blood circulation. Besides, the fresh air can do wonders to improve your mood. Go to the beach or a quiet park to enjoy some serenity for a calm mind.
- Look into prenatal massage packages now so you can get the pampering you deserve during your second trimester. Note that most companies will offer massage services between 13 weeks (beginning of the second trimester) and 32 weeks (before the ninth-month starts).
- Inform your partner or husband if you feel anything wrong.
- Don’t forget to have frequent checkups during this period. Also, it is important to have an ultrasound when you are 10 weeks pregnant. In this ultrasound test, your doctor may provide the necessary support that 10 weeks pregnant mothers should have. Also, you can monitor your baby’s health inside your belly.
When to see a doctor
Call a doctor immediately if you are experiencing the following:
- Bleeding or cramps
- Abnormal vaginal discharge or color
- fever
- shaking or trembling
- pain in urinating
- severe abdominal pain
- nausea which is severe, with vomiting
Furthermore, consult your doctor if you are experiencing depression about your pregnancy or if the idea of having a child overwhelms you.
Remember that the symptoms from the list are totally normal. However, if those symptoms are odd and severe, such as back pain, abdominal pain, and pain in your belly, have a check-up with your health care provider.
Also, if your discharge has blood or is bloody, this may indicate a miscarriage. That is why seeking help from your doctor is necessary.
In addition, don’t forget to eat healthy foods and to take vitamins for pregnancy.
10 weeks pregnant: Bloated early pregnancy
Feeling bloated in early pregnancy is common for expectant moms. There are cases where the feeling of being bloated in early pregnancy occurs even before the first missed period.
Bloated early pregnancy causes
Bloating is one of the early signs of pregnancy. This occurs because of hormonal changes. As the hormone called progesterone increases in your body to prepare the uterus for your growing baby, it also slows digestion. When digestion is slowed down, gas can be trapped in the intestine and may cause bloating.
How to avoid bloating?
According to NHS UK, you can avoid bloating and other digestive problems by changing your diet. You can try eating 6 small meals a day and refrain from eating late at night.
Aside from that, it is important to chew your foods properly and eat slowly. This may help you with your indigestion. Add to that, drink lots of water, sip fluid and avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.
Photo by Yan Krucov from Pexels
There are cases where bloating is triggered by drinking coffee or eating rich, spicy, and fatty foods. If your symptoms happen when you eat spicy food, then it’s best to avoid spicy foods while you are pregnant. The same goes for when you drink caffeinated beverages.
Other causes of bloating
Aside from pregnancy hormones, there are other causes of bloating that you need to know.
- Irritable bowel syndrome. One of the symptoms of gastrointestinal conditions is bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can cause stomach cramps, bloating, and diarrhea.
- Ovarian cysts. If bloating and pain are felt in the lower abdomen, ovarian cysts may be the cause. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that grow on the ovary or ovaries. It can be cancerous or not. It is better to consult a doctor if you sense any symptoms of ovarian cysts.
- Eating too quickly. Avoid eating too fast because it increases the air in the stomach and can cause gas and bloating. When a person eats too fast, they can swallow the air that will be trapped as gas and cause bloating. Practice eating slowly and chewing the food properly. In addition, avoid chewing gum and using a straw if possible because it can also increase the amount of air that goes to the stomach.
- Carbonated drinks. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages like soda or any drinks that contain carbon dioxide gas. This type of drink is the common cause of bloating, whether you are pregnant or not.
Remember mommy, the symptoms of 10 weeks pregnant vary from one woman to another. That is why it is essential to consult your doctor if you sense any symptoms that bother you. Ask your doctor’s advice on how to take care of yourself during this time.
Additional information written by Nathaniel Torre and Jobelle Macayan
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.