How fragile and beautiful is your tiny 1 month old baby! While you might think they don’t do much other than drink milk, sleep and cry, they are actually growing and developing rapidly.
Let’s find out what milestones to expect in the first month of your precious 1 month old baby’s life.
1 Month Old Baby Development: How Is Your Baby Getting Ready to Face the World?

1 month old baby milestones: Physical Development
When a baby is born, they already have some amazing abilities though they have a long way to go in terms of development.
A newborn without complications has the instincts to breathe, tightly hold fingers, and can even smell their own mother and know her from any other person. Incredibly, some babies even suck their thumbs when still in the womb!
Despite the fact that a baby is born with all of these incredible skills, for the first month of your baby’s life, it can seem that all they do is lots eating, sleeping, crying, and of course, peeing and pooping.
At this age, babies have very little control of their muscles and instead rely mainly on reflex actions, such as sucking, yawning, sneezing, and crying.
As a baby progresses through their first month of life, they begin to discover that they have control of their body. Discovering their hands is a big moment. It gets even more exciting when your baby realizes they can use their hands to squeeze things like your finger or to suck on for comfort when they are hungry!
Crawling, walking, running, and even dancing will happen sooner than you think. But the road to these skills starts when your baby discovers their own body, and begins to interact with the world around them.
Speaking of motor skills, your 1 month old baby should be able to kick when on their back, grasp your finger, follow your movements with their eyes, and might even be able to raise their head when on their tummy.
It may seem that not much is going on in terms of development, however, all their senses are getting better.
- Sight: A newborn can open their eyes and see almost immediately after being born. Though their eyes are not yet able to focus on things that are farther away than one meter, they can focus perfectly on your face when you hold them in your arms – which is the distance from your breast to your eyes. Don’t be alarmed if they appear cross-eyed at times. This is normal in an infant this young.
- Hearing: A newborn can hear from around 28 weeks of pregnancy. From inside your womb, they listen to the sounds of your body and voice, and noises from the outside world. Studies have found that newborns react more strongly to the higher pitch of a female voice than to a deeper male voice.
- Smell: A baby’s nose is sensitive. Your 1 month old newborn can tell the difference between your smell, and that of another person.
- Taste: Your baby is a breastmilk connoisseur! Their well-developed sense of taste (babies have more taste buds than adults) is finely tuned towards the delicious taste of your breastmilk.
- Touch: Everyone needs the human touch to promote feelings of well-being and happiness. Baby massage is a great way to bond with your 1 month old baby, and they will find the touch of your hands comforting and soothing, just as an adult would! Gentle baby massage also helps with baby development, specifically your newborn’s muscles.
Another important part of your 1 month old baby’s physical development includes their reflexes.
Newborn babies are born with a number of reflexes, which are vital for survival. These include the rooting reflex which enables your baby to find your breast when their cheek is placed nearby; the sucking and swallowing reflexes that allow your baby to drink, and the gagging reflex that prevents them from taking too much liquid.
There’s also the very cute grasp reflex, which is when your little one tightly holds on to your finger when placed on their palm, and the moro reflex, responsible for making your baby startle at loud noises.
To read about the full range of newborn reflexes, please click here.
At this stage, your child’s median length and weight* should be as follows:
- Boys
– Length: 54.8 cm (21.6 inches)
– Weight: 4.4 kg (9.8 lb)
- Girls
– Length: 53.8 cm (21.2 inches)
– Weight: 4.3kg (9.6lb)
And your child’s head circumference* should be:
- Boys: 37.3 cm (14.7 inches)
- Girls: 36.6 cm (14.4 inches
- Work towards helping your 1 month old baby’s sensory development. Activities include talking and singing to your baby so their sense of hearing develops, as well as cuddling them often to stimulate touch. Breastfeeding on demand, meanwhile, nurtures babies’ sense of taste and makes them feel secure and loved. Dads, try to make the pitch of your voice higher when you interact with your baby, as this will help them bond with you better.
- Don’t go crazy with the colorful toys just yet. When your baby is this young, they prefer looking at images, toys, or mobiles in high-contrast colors: black, white, and red, for example. These also help them strengthen their vision.
- Gently massage your baby’s hands, legs, back, and tummy to strengthen their muscles. A gentle tummy massage in a clockwise direction helps your baby to pass the wind, releasing any discomfort they may have.
- When a baby is put down on his tummy, they will automatically turn their head to help them breathe; they won’t just lie with their head face down. This is known as the labyrinthine reflex. So tummy time is essential. A few minutes two to three times a day is enough. Always do this when you are around; never leave your baby alone on their tummy.
When to see a doctor:
If your baby:
- Is it visible discomfort if you gently turn their head from side to side
- Does not respond to loud noises
- Has persistent trouble moving their eyes, or remains cross-eyed
- Has stiffness or floppiness in their body
Your 1 month old baby will gaze intensely at you.
1 month old baby milestones: Cognitive Development
Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving and decision-making. Too advanced for a one-month-old baby? Not at all!
Beginning immediately, babies soak up information about this new world and the people in it. Your baby is constantly watching you, listening to what you say, and observing their surroundings. All this stimulates their cognitive development.
- Cognitive development in babies depends on various antenatal and postnatal factors such as the mother’s health during pregnancy, the gestational age of the baby at delivery (for example, a baby born at 38 weeks may reach milestones slower than a baby born at 40 weeks), complications at the time of birth, illness during early years, as well as genetics and environmental factors.
- At this young age, it is difficult to assess cognitive development, but there are many things you can do to give your little one’s brain a good “headstart”.
- Show your 1 month old baby picture books with bright, contrasting colors. They’ll enjoy gazing at the pictures and hearing your voice, both of which will stimulate cognition.
- Talk and sing to your little one often. Hearing your voice calms them down and tells them you are right there.
- Give them toys that make gentle sounds to stimulate their brain and sense of hearing.
When to See a Doctor:
If your baby:
- Does not respond to the sound of your voice.
- Does not gaze at you or other objects.
1 month old baby milestones: Emotional and Social Development
Newborns don’t cry because they are bored, but because they have needs to be fulfilled (hungry, wet, overtired, too warm or cold, etc). It is very important you do not ignore your newborns’ cries or leave them in distress for long periods of time.
Crying is the way your baby communicates, and they need your help with it. Ignoring them can harm their emotional development. If you are having trouble calming your baby, seek out tips here. Mums and dads, you should know that your baby is emotionally attuned to you. So, if you’re happy, they can sense it and if you’re stressed or anxious, they will be upset too.
- Communicate with your 1 month old baby in a slow, gentle voice. This will calm and reassure them of your presence and love.
- Never let your 1 month old baby “cry it out”. They need your touch to settle and soothe. Depriving them of this may harm their emotional development, and later, regulation.
When to see a doctor:
If your baby:
- Rarely settles when you carry, touch, or talk to them.
Speech and Language Development
An interesting thing about baby development is that the foundations for speech and language begin when a baby first develops their hearing. This can be as early as when they are in your womb!
While your 1 month old newborn won’t start to talk words for a few more months yet, their first “baby talk” is non-verbal and happens soon after birth. Your baby grimaces, cries, and squirms to express a range of emotions and physical needs, from fear and hunger to frustration and sensory overload. They may even coo, gurgle or laugh when you speak lovingly or sing to them!
- Even though your baby might not be speaking yet, talk a lot to them. This will engage them in a “conversation” of sorts. In a few months, they might just start responding to you, but the foundation is laid right at the beginning.
- Music is a great way to communicate and bond with your baby, whether it’s singing, or playing soft, gentle music.
When to see a doctor:
If your child:
- Is not responding to your voice, there might be a need to assess their hearing capabilities.

Health and Nutrition
At this age, all your baby needs to grow and thrive is your breastmilk – nothing else. However, if you cannot breastfeed your baby for some reason, then the only other suitable food is formula milk.
Typically, the amount of breastmilk/formula milk for your baby at this stage is:
- Breastmilk: 19.3-30.4 ounces/day
- Formula: 24 ounces/day
Baby boys of this age need around 466.6 calories per day, while baby girls need slightly less at 457.7.
Your breastmilk contains the perfect mix of vitamins, minerals, fats, and other nutrients to boost your little one’s mental and physical growth, and is tailor-made to their needs. It even contains antibodies that protect the baby against illness. Throwing up a bit, or posseting after a feed is normal at this age.
From the time your baby is born until they are around two weeks old, some weight loss is normal. But after that, your little one’s weight will slowly stabilize.
To read more about newborn weight loss and gain, click here.
By now, your baby’s umbilical stump would have dried up and fallen off, leaving a perfectly cute kissable belly button in its place. Did you know that some parents turn their baby’s dried up stump into art?
Your baby’s fontanelle (the soft spot on his head) is still open and vulnerable, so care must be taken when touching the baby’s head, or when giving them a bath. Their neck is still not sturdy, so remember to support the baby’s head by placing a hand on the neck when carrying them.
Mummy, you must be feeling rather sleep-deprived as your little one’s sleep schedule is non-existent. Don’t worry – it does slowly get better. Do try to sleep whenever your baby sleeps, even if it’s just for 30 minutes.
- At 1 month old, your baby’s immunity is still developing. So it’s best to not allow other people to kiss your little one’s face or hands. If carrying them, they should wash their hands well, first.
- It’s best to breastfeed your baby on demand, remembering to empty each breast during a nursing session. You could use a breastfeeding bracelet to remind you of which side the baby was last fed from.
- Your baby is still too young to understand the difference between day and night. But you can create a semblance of it by drawing the curtains and turning down the lights in the evening if they’re sleeping. This will help them gradually understand that we sleep at night and stay awake during the daytime.
- Ensure safe sleep always to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Swaddle your baby and place them on their back to sleep, never on their tummy. Their cot or crib should be free of pillows, blankets, and stuffed toys. You can control their body temperature with appropriate sleep-clothes and air-conditioning.
Vaccinations and common illnesses
Your newborn should get:
- Hepatitis B – 2nd dose: Immunization against Hepatitis B
Do speak to your doctor about it, as well as other immunizations to follow. You can check your baby’s immunization schedule by clicking this link.
Your baby’s immune system is still very immature. This combined with an incomplete vaccination schedule makes him/her very vulnerable to common illnesses like the common cold. While a cold is not a big deal in an older child, in a newborn it could lead to even more severe consequences.
This is why it’s crucial you and all others who handle your baby practice strict hygiene, that must include frequent hand-washing. Wear a mask if you have a cold or cough, and any other family members or friends with colds or who are sick should stay far away from the baby until they are better.
Nobody should ever kiss your baby on their face, mouth, hands, or feet as this could potentially transmit the fatal HPV virus to your little one.
Treating Common Illnesses
In the event your little one gets a cold or other common illness, you should bring them to the pediatrician immediately. At just 1 month old, your baby is too young for any kind of home remedies.
When to see a doctor:
If your baby:
- Is rapidly losing weight
- Seems to be vomiting a lot of liquid after every feed
- Has a sunken fontanelle
- Appears listless
- Still has jaundice
- Has even a slightly raised temperature
- Has discharge from their genitals
It is important to remember that while your baby is growing and changing quickly, there are emotional and physical stresses also being felt by you, the parents.
New mothers often feel pressure to look and feel a certain way, and expect parenthood to come naturally. Rest assured that for most people, adjusting to becoming a parent and the changes to your body, emotions, and the course of your life, can take time.
If you have feelings of unhappiness or are having trouble relating to your baby or your partner, you could be suffering from post-natal depression (PND).
You can always reach out to your doctor for advice.
Lastly, remember that baby development is different for every child. Every baby is unique, and reaching a developmental milestone faster or slower than average is not a guarantee of how the baby’s future development will be.

Vitamins for 1 month old baby
According to NHS UK and Saint Luke’s Org., liquid vitamin supplements are given to babies when they leave the hospital after they were born. The most common vitamin supplement recommended or prescribed for newborn babies is vitamin D. It is highly recommended for breastfed babies because mom’s breastmilk contains only small amounts of vitamin D.
On the other hand, babies who are fed formula milk, do not need to take vitamin D supplements because formula milk nowadays has added vitamins, including vitamin D. In addition, if you are vegetarian, your baby might need extra vitamins. After all, a vegetarian diet can be low in vitamins B12 and vitamin D. In this case, you may consult your doctor on what vitamins you can give to your 1 month old baby.
You can also get vitamin D through sun exposure. However, according to Mayo Clinic, sun exposure is not recommended for babies, then vitamin D supplement is the best way to supply the needed vitamins to the body and prevent vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is important for the baby’s bones. It helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. It is an essential vitamin that is needed by the body to prevent a bone disease called rickets. Rickets is a condition where the bones soften and weaken.
As your child gets older, you can add foods that are rich in vitamin D to your baby’s diet. Aside from that, your baby needs vitamin A, C, and D supplements once they reach the age of six months and up until they are five years old.
Tips on giving vitamins for 1 month old baby
- First and foremost, make sure you read the label and follow the daily recommended dose. Use the dropper that comes with the vitamins. Fill the dropper depending on the recommended or prescribed dose. Do not ever give your baby more than the recommended dose. It will not improve their development but rather may cause harm to their health.
- You have to make sure you are giving your baby an age-appropriate vitamin supplement.
- Point the dropper on your baby’s inside cheek and squirt it. Do not squirt the vitamin in the back of the throat to avoid choking your baby.
- If you are breastfeeding your baby, you can mix the vitamins into your expressed breastmilk and let your baby drink it from the bottle.
- If you are bottle feeding your baby with formula milk, then you can add or mix the vitamin D to their formula milk.
- When your baby spits the vitamins after you feed them, do not give them another dose. However, if this continues to happen every time you give the vitamins, consult your pediatrician and ask for advice on how to give the vitamins to your 1 month old baby.
Most vitamins and nutrients that your baby needs in the first months of their life are found on breastmilk. That is why it is important you continue to breastfeed your baby as much as you can. Then just add vitamin D supplement.
Your baby’s previous week: 3 weeks
Your baby’s next month: 2 months
*Disclaimer: This is the median length and weight, and head circumference according to WHO standards)
Additional information written by Jobelle Macayan
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